Why Be An Exceptional Leader

Every day leadership articles give us great information - lists, suggestions and ideas - of what leadership is. What we often don’t read is the why.

Becoming a successful leader is difficult and can be stressful. We are subject to demanding scrutiny. Developing an effective leadership style is a continual effort taking highly focused personal commitment. The fast paced world with its requirements for quarterly results compounds the difficulty.

Why do we do what we do? What are the benefits of becoming an outstanding leader? Let’s explore the professional and personal advantages of great leadership; the why.

People are an integral component of success. Our professional and personal success is dependent on the success of our employees. John Maxwell identifies five levels of leadership. At the basic level people follow you because they have to. At a higher level people follow you for what you have done for them.

Research by Daniel Goleman and others determines that the way people feel about working at a company can account for up to 20 to 30 percent of actual performance. Further approximately 50 to 70 percent of how employees perceive the company can be traced directly to the leadership culture.

The Gallup organization annually conducts a poll of employee engagement. The consistent results find 70% or more of employees are disengaged!

Leaders create the conditions that determine our ability to work effectively. People who look forward to coming to work and want to do their best regularly outperform others with less positive attitudes. The developer leader - one who is both results and people oriented - is the best model of the outstanding leader.

This leader is very strong at building the value of his business. Value can be expressed in many ways; growth, outstanding results, sustainability in revenue and profitability – in my lexicon “unfair” competitive advantage.

These help describe our professional why. The accomplishments of this leader are lasting, public and beneficial to all the stakeholders of the business. He makes a positive and indelible difference on the value of the organization. And he feels really good about this.

The outstanding leader doesn’t only focus on tactical issues but on how to truly build a results based culture with enthusiastic, motivated, confident employees working together to achieve the vision of the organization. Over time he allows people to develop their capabilities and helps them meet their goals as they help the organization meet its goals.

How many of your employees wake up in the morning smile and say “I can’t wait to go to work today!” How many of you do the same? The developer leader creates significance in others lives. He challenges them and allows them to strategically participate in their jobs. He leaves a memorable impact on employees, customers and suppliers because of what he does and continues to do for them.

His personal why is consistent with his professional why. He provides for his employees and revels in his contributions helping them develop, grow and reach their own personal success. He becomes highly recognized in his community, in his industry. Importantly he builds his financial value and his social value.

An outstanding leader develops a positive mental attitude and is self-motivated. He gives of his time secure in the knowledge he will make a difference. He is a responsible individual confident in his abilities. He has a strong emotional feeling of accomplishment with a strong self-image.

Where are you in your journey to becoming an outstanding leader? In the morning do you wake up with the attitude you can’t wait to get to the office? Are you willing to make a focused effort to achieve great professional and personal accomplishments? Are you increasing your social and financial value?

Our short term oriented world places great emphasis on tactical issues. We can spend all day every day on them. Developing our leadership capability is a high payoff activity we must consciously focus on. Here are some suggestions to get you started.

  • How can I help my people succeed?
  • What can I do to maximize the talents of those who work for me?
  • How can I encourage my employees to add value?
  • How can I communicate better?
  • How can I build stronger relationships with customers and suppliers?

Understand why you do what you do. May you become a self-confident motivated leader comfortable in your abilities to make a difference.

Tom Northup, founder of Leadership Management Group, is an executive coach, speaker and author of "The Five Hidden Mistakes CEOs Make". In his first career he spent over 30 years running companies. He is an expert at how to lead and develop people to produce impressive results. He gives clients expert insight and proven methods to innovate, build sustainable growth and develop “unfair competitive advantage.”

You may follow Tom through his leadership blog Building Stronger Leaders.

Photo:Leadership Success/ shutterstock


Tym Bunnell

Strategic Organizational Development Leader | MBA Candidate

9 年

Great article! Thanks, Tom.



