Why Everything You've Been Tracking in B2B Marketing is Wrong—Except This One Metric

Why Everything You've Been Tracking in B2B Marketing is Wrong—Except This One Metric

Ok, so I've been brooding over this topic for a really long time and while i've had some conversations with folks, I figured let's have a heart-to-heart in a place where there are marketers who live and breathe this topic and can gut-check me. As someone who sells to B2B marketers for a living, I hear a ton of these terms and sometime find myself drowning in a sea of metrics—content engagement, views, impressions, click-through rates (CTRs), and more. But the more I spoke with people, the more I started to realize (without a lot of these people explicitly calling it out) that: the real and only metric that should matter is the Marketing Qualified Lead (MQL). All those other metrics? They’re nice and all, but if they don't tie back to MQLs, they’re basically useless. Here’s why I've started to strongly believe this -

The Metrics We’re Supposed to Care About

Content Engagement

We keep hearing content is king, right? But here’s the deal—creating high-quality, engaging content is just the start. What's the real goal here? More views and likes? This is the question I see not a lot of folks sit down and deeply think through. If these engagements don’t convert into MQLs, they’re just vanity metrics. Every aspect of your content strategy should be dovetailing into attracting, engaging, and qualifying leads that fit your ideal customer profile.

60% of marketers say inbound (e.g., SEO, blog content) is their highest quality source of leads, but how many of these leads become MQLs? And real MQLs - the ones that sales and marketing don't have a 'come-to-jesus' moment about!?

I saw a note about SmartCue from Tony, a Product Marketer at Virgin Pulse (now PersonifyHealth), that said, "SmartCue's interactive demos have transformed our sales process. We've seen a significant increase in lead quality and conversion rates." This reinforced my belief that MQLs; rather higher-quality MQLs is what will make you the darling of a marketer.

Views and Impressions

These 2 I really detest with a vengeance! So, you've got a ton of views and impressions. Cool. But awareness without qualification is like throwing a party and not inviting your best customers. These metrics are just the first step in a much larger process—leading potential customers down the funnel to become MQLs.

Another customer, Sudarsan Ravi, Founder & CEO at RippleHire, said this, "SmartCue has revolutionized how we showcase RippleHire's solutions. It's like having a personal storyteller for each prospect, making demos engaging and memorable. With SmartCue, we're closing deals faster and forging stronger partnerships." Once again, not talking about views, impressions etc. But close deals i.e. higher quality leads coming through the funnel.

Click-Through Rates (CTRs)

CTR is often celebrated as a measure of how compelling your call-to-action (CTA) is. But let’s be honest, what happens after the click is far more important. If your clicks aren’t converting into MQLs, then you’re just spinning your wheels. The ultimate goal should always be to turn that interest into a qualified lead.

Why do MQLs Matter?

  1. Alignment with Sales: MQLs are more than just interested parties; they are leads vetted by marketing and deemed worthy of passing to sales. For all of us who have been in either marketing or sales function, know that it is so much more complicated than that! There has rarely been clear alignment. Sales teams are always complaining about wasting time on 'MQLs' unlikely to convert and marketing keeps thinking they're doing a stellar job pushing junk MQLs down the funnel ??
  2. Efficiency in Marketing Spend: Focusing on generating 'true' MQLs ensures that your marketing dollars are being spent effectively. Every piece of content, every ad campaign, and every social media post should be geared towards generating an MQLs that is more and more likely to convert.
  3. Career Advancement: I learned this the hard way when I started classifying my buyers into 'personas' and was checked by a mentor who told me 'you're selling to people, Robin. Not a persona'. Marketers are judged by their ability to contribute to the bottom line. Generating MQLs is a clear and direct way to demonstrate their value. It’s what gets them noticed, promoted, and opens doors to higher-paying opportunities.

Think about it: a marketer who drives high MQLs is seen as a revenue generator. This is the person who gets accolades in team meetings, who has a tangible impact on the company’s growth. This is the marketer who gets the next big promotion or is headhunted by a competitor.

What Truly Matters

  1. Quality Over Quantity: It’s not about how many views or clicks you get; it’s about how many of those interactions translate into MQLs. A small but highly engaged audience is far more valuable than a large but passive one.
  2. Intent Data: Use data to identify prospects ( Clearbit , Factors.ai or RB2B )who are not just browsing but are actively seeking solutions that your product offers. This intent data can significantly boost your MQL generation efforts.
  3. Lead Nurturing: Once you have an MQL, the work doesn’t stop. Effective lead nurturing through personalized content, follow-ups, and demos can convert MQLs into SQLs (Sales Qualified Leads) and eventually into customers.

Companies that excel at lead nurturing generate 50% more sales-ready leads at 33% lower cost.

My Experience and Conversations

Throughout my journey, I've asked myself, "What really moves the needle for B2B marketers?" The answer kept circling back to MQLs. When I speak with prospects, they aren’t impressed by our cool UI or all the bells and whistles in SmartCue. What moves the needle for them is our ability to show that our currnt customers are able to generate leads are not just interested but qualified and ready to take the next step. This realization has allowed us to refine our messaging, improve our targeting, and ultimately, drive higher conversion rates.

Talking to fellow founders has reinforced this approach. They often share stories of marketing efforts that looked great on paper but failed to deliver actual results. The common theme in their success stories? A laser focus on generating and nurturing MQLs. This alignment between marketing and sales is what drives sustainable growth.


With all the noise on LinkedIn from so-called B2B SaaS marketing gurus, it’s easy to get lost in a sea of metrics and get overwhelmed. However - focus on your ability to generate 'truly qualified' Marketing Qualified Leads. MQLs are the lifeblood of your marketing efforts that need to deeply align with sales. Optimize every marketing dollar towards getting to that MQL.

So, the next time you’re evaluating your marketing metrics, remember to ask yourself—does this contribute to generating MQLs? If not, it’s time to rethink your strategy.


