Why Every Business Owner Should have a Personal Brand?
The last week or so, I have been working hard on my personal brand and on creating content for my personal brand. For those of you who haven’t come across the concept of a “personal brand”, let me know how to explain how a personal brand is different from, say, a business brand.
A personal brand is where you “brand” or “present yourself” in the best possible light, and talk about topics and things that you are passionate about. For example, creating this blog or another piece of content that I care about is a way of me sharing some advice or knowledge that I have on a topic, which others may find interesting.
So you may be asking what‘s the point in creating this personal brand - shouldn’t I put those resources into growing my business instead?
In most cases, people will find it really hard to be attracted to a “faceless brand or business” that is just trying to sell them something. Most people would rather know the person or persons behind the running of the business or brand. However, they are more likely to buy from a person whom they can connect with, rather than from a faceless business.
I think the main things that you would benefit from having a personal brand are to build trust with your clients or customers, as well as create authority for yourself. So that you make a reputation for yourself as someone who knows their way around the industry you work in.
After you‘ve showcased this for a while, clients or customers will understand and value how you work and the extra care you put into your projects, and will want you to put that dedication into a project that you are doing for them.
This will also mean that in most cases they will be more than happy to pay what you are worth, as they already understand and appreciate the added value you will bring to them.
I plan to go into this in future blog posts, so feel free to drop back if this is a topic that you find interesting.