10. It comes too late and too little
9. It is not based on the correct diagnosis of the problem : A proper question would be why a vast continent, 1.3 billion citizens, and tremendous natural resources is insecure and poor.
8. Europe has been a contributing factor in Africa's endemic problems for too long
7. Most of Africa's governments and militaries that the facility seeks to support are the main problem to their peoples
6. Instead of supporting Africa's youth's and women's health and wealth creation, the facility is channeling money into the pockets of ruling elites
5. Europe's mindset needs to change to understand that it cannot be a substitute for the responsibility of African governments to defend and protect their own citizens
4. European powers balkanized Africa at the Berlin Conference of 1894-1895, carving the whole continent into the patchwork that it is today for the sake of enslaving , looting and plundering it. African people have not forgotten; they seek new mutual understanding and truth telling that seeks redress of the legacy of past and current injustices.
3. Money is important but not the primary requirement to redress the roots of insecurity, genocide, and deadly conflict in Africa's fragile nations. Good governance, inclusive economic development, the rule of law, citizen voices and participation are.
2. The European Peace Facility ignores that it has poor Africans in its own backyard and on its shores. Many of these Africans have fled from the same brutal and impoverishing regimes that it now seeks to prop up. The net result will be more Africans knocking on the doors of a Europe that will increasingly brand them unwanted.
1. European citizens need help too. Using their taxes to indiscriminately support dictatorial regimes creates no value for them and African citizens. It can be dangerous too, making worse the very problem it is trying to solve.
Forewarned is forearmed, the English saying goes.