Why is eSwatini importing cannabis?
Jordan Curl
Educator, advocate and consultant to governments and corporations for the medical, recreational and industrial (hemp) cannabis industries
Look what was found in a country that specifically outlaws hemp with racist terminology in its 100 year old legislation that they use to still incarcerate people for cannabis. Often with 1 to 15 years prison sentences if they can't pay the optional fine.
In a country where 75% live below the 2USD poverty line, it essentially makes it a debtors prison because the fines range from 35USD to 100USD. Most people go into debt trying to free loved ones.
Why do you think they grow it? To not go into debt.
It is a country that runs on cannabis, a narco-state few people know about. It's grown by grandma's and parents to feed and school their children. It's an open secret this place runs on ganja, with everyone knowing someone involved in it because there just hasn't been any better alternative due to the economic and political situation or lack there of.
The hypocrisy is disgusting and telling. This isn't first shop with CBD or hemp seeds I've found. It seems like if you open a store and make enough money the law on selling cannabis only pertains to lower and non-business owning classes.
The industry workers who risks life and limb to grow, transport, and sell cannabis are willing to risk everything just to make 500USD or less Which from the desperate and destitute situation they face in eSwatini means a lot.
Even though they take the most risk and exposure for the least amount of pay in the supply chain the government still continues to harass farmers and grandmother with prison or debt while the people at the higher levels never face the risks or charges yet profit higher then the exploited folks could ever dream of.
Worst of all, half if not more of the law enforcement population participants in the cannabis industry. The police academy has 3 large fields right behind it for gosh sake yet still they burn fields and spray poison on fields that end up getting smoke any ways causing health issues and continually compounding problems because of colonial prohibition is still in effect.
It's happening as we speak right now, in eSwatini, America, Europe, Middle East, and even Asia where in Malaysia a 5 Liter bag (there's no scales or batteries out here) could potentially end with your execution by state authorized violence or imprisonment for a plant you enjoy.
Please just consider and think about that for a bit. Thousands of years as a medicine VS. Less then 100 years of prohibition. This is a ludicrous dream/nightmare we hope to wake up really soon from it.
Please consider donating to the eSwatini cannabis bail fund.