Why Entrepreneurs Fail Part 2 - It’s Time to Get Visible!
Dr. Nicole Roberts Jones CCSP
??Certified Career Development Coach ??Business Growth Strategist ??Transformational Speaker ??Empowering Excellence through Meaningful Work
In my last blog I started a 3-part series on Why Entrepreneurs Fail and I am sharing insight from an article in Forbes Magazine where they shared a report published by Bloomberg that said, 8 out of 10 entrepreneurs who start businesses fail within the first 18 months. I am writing this blog to give you the strategies so that you can be in the 2 out of 10 who do make it!
To reach success as an entrepreneur as a coach, consultant, speaker, expert or author what I have learned in the over 20 plus years that I have been in this work, is there are 3 strategic areas you MUST implement in your business, I call it the AVP strategy. I created the AVP strategy for entrepreneurial leaders to free themselves from the dollar-for-time hustle, stand out in a saturated market and translate knowledge into profit. AVP includes three key elements:
Be the Authority. Build Visibility. Develop a Platform to Profit.
In last week’s blog I shared with you 1 of the 5 reasons entrepreneurs fail, according to Forbes Magazine & Bloomberg, and the strategy to increase it, which is the P of the AVP Status - your DAPP = Developing Your Platform to Profit (if you didn’t catch last week’s post, go check that out). Well I hope you understand that people will only pay you more for what you know then what you do! So what good is a gift if no one knows about it! That is where you can grow in the next 2 reasons’ that Forbes shares that entrepreneurs fail;
- Reason #2: No real differentiation in the market
- Reason #3: Failure to communicate value propositions in clear, concise and compelling fashion.
To give you insight on being successful in these 2 areas, this week we dig into — V = Build Visibility. We know that people buy from people they know, like and trust, so building visibility is all about granting people the opportunity to see and experience you. It is to position yourself as the expert and allowing your potential clients into seeing how you can help them create a different life, a different aspect of their business, a different result, a different them, if they were to allow you to serve them. Show them why they should pay YOU. Show them that YOU are the answer they have been looking for!
Here are four ways for you to not only show up in your industry, but to own it:
1. Create amazing content: Blog, periscope, tweet...the medium doesn’t matter as long as people hear you—constantly, consistently and boldly. Grab a mic, megaphone or a pen and start sharing your brilliance with the world. Let people hear your voice, your message and your passion. It won’t be long before they begin to associate you as the go-to expert for your industry or topic and, soon, you’ll dominate that space. Now is not the time to worry about overdoing it. You can’t be seen and heard enough.
2. Write a book: Don’t believe the hype that people don’t read anymore. Printed words still rule the world. And nothing says expert like a published book. Put your knowledge and your message in a book and rock that baby from shelf to shelf and stage to stage.
3. Be a speaker. The one question I am asked the most is why am I a speaker. Well unless I get on stage and show you what I know, how would you experience the value I bring. So just like writing a book and creating amazing content, standing on stage allows your gift to be seen and heard and people walk away with value.
4. Be the first: People love to follow a leader. Innovating something fresh in your industry—a concept, an idea, a method—will get an audience’s attention and inspire them to promote you to the forefront. Find a hole in your industry and fill it with something that doesn’t exist.
Your gift MUST be seen so that people can build their know like & trust factor with you and it’s not just about using the above mediums I listed, you must have strategy around it. After all just hopping on a social media channel and having a random conversation that does not help people understand who you are and what you know will not move the visibility of your business any further.
Get out there and put something amazing out into the world. Be consistent, concise and on point using your formula, your signature, your brilliance, your gift. Allow others to see what you got and gain value from it. They can’t do that if you’re hiding in your corner of world, poking your head out every once in a while with an inspirational quote.
No more hiding. It’s YOUR TIME to be seen!
The strategy I share here to master your success plus so much more is what I am teaching and helping you create during my 2 Day Intensive Be The Answer in Dallas Texas on September 29 & 30.
What I know for sure is that if you read this far down in this article it’s because there is a call of exponential excellence and impact on your life, and it’s one you cannot continue to ignore. You may be dabbling in it right now, but we both know you’re not playing full out. So what’s REALLY going on?
- You have achieved so much in your business, yet you still want MORE?
- You have this incredible idea for a book, a blog, a podcast, a TED Talk—a transformational message that will undoubtedly change lives but you have no clue how to get it out there.
- You have no clue how to stand out in the ocean of entrepreneurs who do what you do.
If this is YOU, it’s time to stop talking, hiding, doubting, apologizing and dreaming. You have a God-given gift that is meant to serve this world and a message that is meant to both make a difference and money. You are the answer someone is waiting for. And you need the proven success strategy to push you past inspiration and ideas and into ACTION.
This is an EXCLUSIVE opportunity for women entrepreneurs who are SERIOUS about making a difference and making money while you do it! Learn more & register to join me at www.BeTheAnswerEvent.com
Use the code BTA17 and get $50 OFF general & VIP registration until Friday, August 18th