Why Entrepreneur ? Reason #1
Jason Vance
Passionate Entrepreneur | Founder- windowbrothers.com | Regional Window Cleaning Service | Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Michigan
I am going to simplify the reasons why you should decide to become an entrepreneur, or validate why you already are an entrepreneur. This is part one in a four-part series: "Why Entrepreneur?"
Reason #1: Because you can.
The purpose of your business is to help you achieve your personal goals. It is a tool to help you get exactly what you want out of life. You have the gifts and skills to build a great business. You are at the point in your career where you just need a few key tools to put it all together.
Some of the most successful business people were “C” students in school. If it is your passion to build a great business, then all you need is the right attitude and a few tools along the way. You don’t have to re-invent the wheel. Entrepreneurs are building great businesses every day.
The first step is to take action. You can start by building a three-step “Dream Builder,” which is an exercise that helps you get a clear vision for what you are working towards. The Dream Builder worksheet helps you to get clarity around your goals. Having a clear Vision is the first step towards building a better business.
Take action today and create a three-page worksheet as outlined below:
Step 1. “Have” -what are the goals that you are working towards?
Example: Material or Non-material things.
Step 2. “Do”- what are the things you need to “Do” in order to achieve those goals?
Example: Spend more time on sales or build a great team.
Step 3. “Be” – who do you need to “Be"come in order to do the tasks you need to “Do,” which help achieve the goals that you want to “Have.”
Example: Become a better leader. Become a General Manager. Become a true Entrepreneur.
For more about BE x DO = HAVE, see my article earlier this year, "SMART goals are dumb: How to achieve long-term results in your business." Also keep an eye out for the next three articles in this series, coming later this year.
Well put!