Why Enthusiasm is Important to Success
If you are not excited and enthusiastic about what you are doing, chances are you will not be successful in sales, or anything else. This is yet another reason why you should pursue what you love.
People respond to energy. If you have never noticed this in your daily life just play around with your energy and watch the responses you get. Energy is contagious. If you have positive energy you will attract people and influence them more, and you will attract more agreements and more success into your life.
You must be able to manufacture energy, even on your bad days. Train yourself to think the thoughts that will give you positive energy and enthusiasm. Don’t just accept negative feelings or low energy. You can take control of your energy. Learn how to motivate yourself, don’t rely on other people.
If you accept negative thinking and negative energy as a way of life, you have just buckled your seatbelt on a sinking ship. Why would you do that? Especially when you have the alternative at your fingertips.
Use high energy music or motivational YouTube videos if you need a boost.
Sometimes when you are feeling down with low energy, the best thing to boost your energy is to boost the energy of someone else.
When you are feeling bored and unenthusiastic, just remember your “why”. Remember why you are working hard, what you can gain, who you can help with your success.
If you are naturally a low energy person don't worry, having high energy interactions is a skill that can be learned and harnessed. Just like you learned how to have low energy in your interactions. It took a lot of practice—you have been practicing your whole life and you didn’t realize it! Now you can consciously practice and become good at what you want to be good at.
When we learn a martial art, or a musical instrument, or a sport, we consciously practice movements in a deliberate way, repeatedly. By conscious, repeated practice, we become good at those activities. Our entire lives are like this, but we're often less conscious of the practice. Ask yourself what have you been practicing every day? Is it complaining? Is it being an energy drain? Is it being unaware of your energy?
To learn how to have high energy will take a lot of practice as well. Just be confident that it is within your reach. The only way to do it is to just do it! Fake it till you make it! Smile, look people in the eye, get excited over small things like the weather, or someone’s cool shoes. You can do it!
If you are in a slump in life and you are blaming your job or your boss, perhaps you just need to get more in touch with your passions to find your inner energy. It is difficult to maintain enthusiasm for something you are not passionate about.
Remember I said the most successful sales people are the most authentic. That means your long-term success will depend upon your ability to look within and identify your passions and align your choices with your passions. You have to get to know yourself and allow your life to gravitate towards what you love
There are great tools and resources available to help you with this on the internet. Check www.nicklusson.com for some quizzes and other resources to help you get in touch with your passions.
However, it is very easy and very common to focus on the negative things around you instead of the positive things. Train your mind to find reasons to be enthusiastic. Don’t let anything be an excuse for you to live life without enthusiasm. Get excited about the small things.
Train yourself to live with enthusiasm, to speak with enthusiasm, to act with enthusiasm. It sounds harder than it actually is. Just practice and get started celebrating small things while you look inwards and align yourself with your passions.
And it starts with gratitude. Make a habit of finding things to be grateful for. Lower the bar of gratitude in your life until you are grateful for the things everyone else takes for granted. Because you are, in fact, extraordinarily lucky to have them: if you have a bed to sleep in, food in your refrigerator, water to drink, and a mobile phone or computer and a house with electricity you are richer than 75% of the people on earth, and richer than 99% of the humans that have ever lived.
Think about that.
Be grateful for your bed, and your pillow and blankets and let that gratitude put a smile on your face before you get out of bed each morning.
If you have problems paying rent or paying off your car bill, be grateful for those problems because you could be homeless, you could be walking, you could be in a wheelchair, you could be hungry.
Lower the bar of gratitude and let that gratitude put a smile on your face and put enthusiasm in everything you do!
If you are honest you will probably find that there is room to improve your life in both directions: you can align your life with your passions more so that you can have more natural enthusiasm, and you can make the conscious effort to increase the enthusiasm in your current daily life by focusing on the positive aspects of your life.
These two processes go hand in hand. If you think you can choose one without the other you will not achieve the greatest that your life can be.
Challenge yourself. Learn to create and build your inner enthusiasm out of thin air, learn to be enthusiastic about the small things, and do your best to build a life of authentic enthusiasm authentically by aligning your choices with your passions.
“Don't ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” Howard Thurman.