Why enter into therapy?
Diane Pulley
We work with individuals & employers supporting working professionals to make positive changes, beat workplace stress & achieve their goals. We offer one to one sessions plus mental health & stress management training.
"The realisation that I needed help was like a lightbulb moment. Picking up the phone was the hardest thing I have ever done and I could barely speak at the time because I was so upset. The relief I felt afterwards was so overwhelming but I knew it was the right thing to do. I was seen very quickly at a mutually convenient time and the relief I got from my first session was incredible. I very quickly began to feel better and the sessions made me realise how little I did for myself because I was so busy taking care of everyone else. I've now been given the tools I need to take back control and increase my self care by making little changes each day. To anyone worried about making that first step, please don't hesitate. Instead of seeing no future amongst all the anxiety I now have hope."
This is the reason so many individuals benefit from therapy.
These are the types of questions people ponder over.
- What will I gain from it?
- Surely it's not that easy to make changes?
- How do I learn to take care of myself?
- How long will it take?
Most people do not believe they are worth taking the time for, but if you don't take care of you, then you are not valuing yourself.
The benefits as you can see from the testimonial above are immense. "I now have hope"....... Without hope we have nothing.
To see how we can help you, visit our website and book a free 30 minute skye or phone call
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