Why Engineering? What else I could have chosen?

Why Engineering? What else I could have chosen?

Being a kid from average South Indian rural area, just like all, I was expected to get into Civil e?n?g?i?n?e?e?r?i?n?g? Services. Of course by my parents.

It chose me

Since my childhood I had several life time ambitions. Some will be interesting and some might make you look at me like a weirdo. But my first ambition was to crack UPSC and get into Civil Services and just like all kids do, I was so determined to help people around me. During my school days, I can easily get inspired and amazed by people and their jobs.

Early Inspirations

In my 8th Grade, I was inspired by a Psychiatrist who came for general counselling for students. He was talking about Microbiology and Cell Engineering. Being a science enthusiast it was obvious that I got inspired and since then I was like "Man.. I gotta be a cell engineer." cuz at that time I was only aware of Cells and nothing more in biology.

Later, a friend of mine and I together got inspired by our music teacher. That was the time when a famous Tamil film "Meesaya Muruku" released. And..... yeah we wrote songs. I mean "so called songs". Back then I was not interested in listening songs. Fortunately or unfortunately, that dream faded away..

Challenges and Choices

It's 2019, I entered grade 10. For those who doesn't know, I can undoubtedly say that my batch students are the most pity ones in the CBSE's history. We got a lot of syllabus changes. But that's not the real trouble. Mathematics, I was pathetic at that time, to spice it up even more, there came a split - Standard mathematics and Basic Mathematics. Concept was simple, Basic math was said to be easy and has only the text book questions and Standard is the usual toughness level. Here is the catch, basic math student can't choose groups in Grade 11 that has mathematics in it. Guess what I did? I chose Basic math. So I want to reappear for standard math to get into Science group. Luckily for me, COVID-19 came in handy. They weren't able to conduct in the supplementary exam so we were still allowed choose Science group.

Sh!t happens, But hot one comes..

Let's start once again

Now what? Grade 11 and gotta choose a stream.. I chose Computer Science cuz my computer science teacher was cool and I knew him even before he joined our school as he was my sister's colleague. But I left that school and joined in another. Fortunately I was already strong in the basics of Python yet unfortunately in the my new school, we had no computer classes for like a month or so as the teacher resigned her job just a week before I joined. Eventually we got a new Computer Science teacher but had a bit of unpleasant times with him and he too left.

Turning Point

Finally a guy arrived. The start wasn't that good yet I don't know he who gonna be my life's ultimate turning point. Actually two people. My computer science teacher Mr. Nissar. He is every computer student's dream teacher. He was with me in all my ups and lows. No one would have got a teacher who stays up with the student late night and till the dawn, put his heart and sole into the teaching and helping his students just to win a school level science fair. The dedication and care for students' future without a single drop ignorance to their doubts. This man has the purest heart of all time.

The second important person is my Physics teacher Mr. Vivek Kumar. When a teacher-student age gap is less, they can easily empathise each other. He was an IIT student, the doubts shot by us and the way of clarifications speaks loud about his passion towards the Art of Teaching. He teaches way more than school level classical physics, like quantum and relativistic mechanics intuitively.

Yeah and this is my journey from a normal dreamless kid to a passionate Computer science Engineering student. Remember.. Never stop exploring things. There is always something better, just go for it and learn stuff till your last breath.



