Why employ an apprentice into your office?
Apprenticeships are commonly thought of in an engineering, trades or other technical background. However, there is an apprenticeship applicable to every industry and job.
I will talk about Apprenticeships in an office based environment.
If you are running a busy office and you or your staff are considering employing an office junior to do the scanning, filing, typing and answering calls, employing an Apprentice could be a possible option.
Apprentices are young people aged 16 to 24 that decided not to go to University but to start their career via a vocational route.
Why employ an apprentice?
- You will be doing your bit as part of corporate responsibility and helping a bright young person.
- You will get good PR as part of this.
- You will be eligible for an Apprenticeship Grant of £1500 and further Leicester City Council Apprenticeship grant of another £1500
- National Minimum Wage for an Apprentice is £3.30 per hour.
- It will inject youth, enthusiasm, energy and new, out of the box thinking into your business.
- It is good for succession planning.
What are the downsides?
- Apprentices would normally be inexperienced. You would have to teach them your ways of running your office and make allowances for youth and lack of experience.
- Things that are obvious to you may not be as obvious to an inexperienced young person.
- Apprentices can’t run your office completely independently. They do need support and supervision.
What is an Apprenticeship?
Apprenticeship is a combination of work and study that is at least 12 months long. It includes working for you for at least 30 hours per week and studying a relevant qualification at the same time.
About Qdos Training Ltd.
We have been recruiting and training Apprentices for over 10 years in Leicester and Leicestershire. Our clients include Berkley Insurance, Regional Recruitment, Mattiolli Woods, Europcar and many small and medium sized businesses and charities.
We pride ourselves on only working with a handful of clients but giving such level of service that ensures you would always come back to us.
Our mission is to improve your business by introducing young, talented and ambitious young people to you and making a difference to the lives of the young people we work with by placing them into genuine and ethical businesses.
If you need advice or would like to talk about an idea of taking on an Apprentice or had previous experience with recruiting apprentices and would like to find out how Qdos Training would be different from your current provider, please call me on 01162044170 or email [email protected]
Elena Chapman, Owner