Why Are Egg Prices Skyrocketing...Again?
Elysabeth Alfano
Focused on Financing a Sustainable Food Future, CEO & Food/Climate Entrepreneur, Global Food Systems Speaker: United Nations, Bloomberg, Ameritrade TV, NYSE Podcast Host
We have all been feeling the pressure of rising egg prices. Why are egg prices up so much...again?
The answer illustrates the non-resilient nature of the global food supply system. Let's take a look.
A Financially Honest Look at the Chicken Industry
As feeding people is not optional but mandatory, this necessitates innovation to find a more efficient, less destructive way to feed a growing population without the constant risk of pandemic.
The Numbers: Chronologically and Economically
The numbers show that bird flu isn't new and that as we continue our intensified factory practices, the bird flus remain uncontained, presenting continued pandemic risks and, therefore, continued economic and health risks.
NB: These numbers do not reflect the other animal-borne pandemics such as African Swine Fever, Classic Swine Fever or Mad Cow Disease.
1997: The first known human infections occurred in Hong Kong, leading to the culling of approximately 1.3 million chickens.
2003-2004: Outbreaks began in Asia, notably in Vietnam and Thailand, and spread to ten countries within weeks.
2005-2006: The virus spread to Europe and Africa, with significant outbreaks in countries like Nigeria and various European nations.
2015: The United States experienced a major outbreak, particularly affecting the Midwest.
2020-2025: A prolonged global outbreak has been ongoing, with significant impacts in North America, Europe, and Asia.
The above exemplifies
a) prices lower,
b) access to food higher,
c) exposure to disease and rising healthcare costs lower.
What Does this Mean for Investors?
A food system that continues to break due to disease will inevitably, and most likely quickly, experience a transformation via innovation due to necessity. Innovations that are efficient, cut costs and build resiliency have a better chance of being accepted en masse.
En masse adoption can create financial upside and wealth growth, making this sector an attractive investment opportunity.
Specifically, What Can Investors Invest In?
As just an example of innovative companies in the VegTech? ETF, Tate and Lyle and Corbion have created egg replacements for baked goods that can
1) bring down costs,
2) create resilient supply chains,
3) use one less allergen, and thus,
4) appeal to more diets.
In short, these innovations reduce the costs of doing business and thus help to create better company returns.
As the food system shows its weakness, now may be a good time to invest in food system transformation through our VegTech? food innovation ETF. The VegTech ETF aims to capitalize on the potential growth that can come from the necessity of change in the global food supply system.
For more information on VegTech? Invest, visit VegTechInvest.com.
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Marketing consultant guiding vegan brands to mainstream market & mainstream brands to the vegan opportunity?? 2xTEDx speaker
5 天前Great summary of the stats and scale of the system inefficiencies. Any numbers on how well the alternative innovations are doing in light of these issues?