There is no alternative to a smart and sustainable world: I-World projects

There is no alternative to a smart and sustainable world: I-World projects

In 2008, I advanced the strategic development idea of intelligent world, which were published as the key parts of my book [Reality, Universal Ontology and Knowledge Systems: Toward the Intelligent World, IGI Global, USA, 2008]

three years later, at the 11th IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (CIT-2011), I had proposed the fundamental concept of

smart and sustainable world, as composed of 4Cs:

smart sustainable continents,

smart and sustainable countries,

smart and sustainable cities

and smart and sustainable communities.

Today, instead of smart world, we have in the post-truth world of hybrid wars and decaying cities and communities. This is a time of unparalleled disruption and complexity and global risks—such as climate change, inequality and geopolitical tensions—transcending borders and sectors.

Such a world is unsustainable and doomed to be perished unless totally transformed, as a smart and sustainable world of smart and sustainable continents, countries, cities and communities.

Why the world need a smart and sustainable world

As part of our research program, Creating Tomorrow's World, some 10+ years ago, I had launched an initiative, I- World.

The i-nation project strategic proposals hag been sent to the central governments of the following states and nations, with very different reactions, from plagiarism to full ignorance:


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Умная Революция в России: Russia Smart Green Superpower: Smart Russia?, I-Russia?, iRussia? (Smart Green Russia?); Умная Россия?, Умная Зеленая Россия?, Интеллектуальная Россия?


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US, 2018 State of the Union Address: Rediscovering the American way: USA XXI: Future America: Smart America?, I-America?, Smart Green America?: iUSA?: i-America Platform: AI-driven, Smart America Investment Strategy: Future America Investment Fund

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Japan, Smart Japan?, Intelligent Japan?, Innovative Japan?, i-Japan?: Smart Safe Sustainable Social Japan: Smart and Green Cities and Communities, Smart Economy, Intelligent Industry...

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Europe, Project EU XXI: Future Europe: Social Europe?, Digital Europe?, Green Europe?, Intelligent Europe?, Knowledge Europe?, Innovative Europe?, Inclusive Europe?, Sustainable Europe?, and Global Europe?

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UK, SMART BRITAIN, i-Britain Intelligent Platform, Future Growth Strategy

Germany, Project Germany XXI: Intelligent Germany, i-Germany Platform: Smart, Green and Inclusive Germany

Africa, Megaproject AFRICA XXI: Smart Africa: Green Africa: Inclusive Africa

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Megaproject AFRICA XXI: Smart Africa: Green Africa: Inclusive Africa

Who took it seriously?

It is only Russia and China.

EC had just capitalized on the concept as the EUR1trillion E U R O P E 2 0 2 0 A European strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth

Russia made it the key strategy for almost $360 Smart and Green Russia national projects.

In compliance with President Vladimir Putin’s May Decree of 2018, National Projects in 12 areas have been worked out.

They cover demography, culture, healthcare, education, housing and urban development, the environment, roads, labor efficiency and employment maintenance, science, the digital economy, small and mid-sized business, international cooperation and exports. The implementation of the National Projects slated by 2024 is estimated to cost around 25.7 trillion rubles ($352 bln).

China reviewed its unsustainable One Belt-One Road OBOR initiative by China’s President Xi Jinping, who drew inspiration from the concept of the Silk Road established during the Han Dynasty 2,000 years ago, into the Green Smart Belt, as we suggested.

Started as spread across the continents of Asia, Africa, and Europe. Dubbed as the “Project of the Century” by the Chinese authorities, OBOR spans about?78 countries.

Started as the “Silk Road Economic Belt,” which is primarily land-based and is expected to connect China with Central Asia, Eastern Europe, and Western Europe, and then added with the “21st Century Maritime Silk Road,” it now goes as the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI, or B&R).

The announced investments are over $1 trillion in the various infrastructure projects of the following six economic corridors:

  1. The New Eurasian Land Bridge, which connects Western China to Western Russia
  2. The China-Mongolia-Russia Corridor, which connects North China to Eastern Russia via Mongolia
  3. The China-Central Asia-West Asia Corridor, which connects Western China to Turkey via Central and West Asia
  4. The China-Indochina Peninsula Corridor, which connects Southern China to Singapore via Indo-China
  5. The China-Pakistan Corridor, which connects South Western China through Pakistan to Arabia sea routes
  6. The Bangladesh-China-India-Myanmar Corridor, which connects Southern China to India via Bangladesh and Myanmar

As a result, China is now taking over the world as an technoeconomic leader.

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Prospective I-World mega-projects

"Smart and Sustainable Cities": The SA's futuristic super-cities (The Line City - NEOM) [I have my doubt about intelligent super-cities. It might be done if most the operations will be AI-automated...]

"Artificial Sun": ITER, "the ITER Tokamak is an international nuclear fusion research and engineering megaproject aimed at creating energy through a fusion process similar to that of the Sun. [I have my doubt about ITER. It might be done if most its operations will be AI-automated..."]

"Artificial Intelligence": ANI, ML, DL, Automation, Robotics, Metaverse, AI Quantum Computing, AGI, ASI

Trans-AI, Real Superintelligence, Man-Machine Hyperintelligence (I-World):

I-WORLD?, IWORLD?, iWORLD?, iWorld?: AI World: Intelligent, Innovative, Interconnected, Instrumented, Inclusive, Green WORLD: Smart CONTINENTS, COUNTRIES, CITIES, AND COMMUNITIES


I-WORLD?, IWORLD?, iWORLD?, iWorld?: AI World: Intelligent, Innovative, Interconnected, Instrumented, Inclusive, Green WORLD: Smart CONTINENTS, COUNTRIES, CITIES, AND COMMUNITIES


Creating the Future: Tomorrow's World: a Smart Strategy for Human Evolution


EUR 1+ Trillion Transnational EU-Russia Project: Man-Machine Real Superintelligence (RSI) Platform: the biggest challenge for the next decade

For the last two years, our world has been ravaged by a global pandemic, economic downturn, social unrest, political turmoil, and the ever-worsening climate crisis.

It is all evident that we are in an urgent need of radical deep socio-technology solutions, life-changing initiatives and future world development projects.

Let’s see what the world is poised to do, and where its great powers, China, the USA, Russia and Europe, are to lead us.

Where is China Standing??

China has got it before coming with the $4T BRI (Belt Road Initiative), dubbed as One Belt and One Road, latter upgraded from the "Silk Road Economic Belt" strategy to a Green and Smart Silk Road as to our original suggestion to the Chinese government.?


Great Smart Green Silk Road: One Belt, One Road

Reforming its original strategy, it has placed a greater focus on sustainable, digital and health-related projects, as the Green Silk Road, the Health Silk Road and the Digital Silk Road.

It enables infrastructure investments include ports, skyscrapers, railroads, roads, airports, dams, coal-fired power stations, and railroad tunnels, promising to boost world GDP by $7.1 trillion per annum by 2040. By the start of 2020 some 2951 BRI-linked projects – valued at a total of $3.9trn – were planned or under way across the world.

As an alternative, the Build Back Better World (B3W) initiative was undertaken by G7 countries. Launched in June 2021, the initiative is designed to counter China's strategic influence of the BRI Project by providing an alternative to the Belt and Road Initiative for the infrastructure development of the low and middle income countries.

Where is US Standing?

Led by the United States, the G7 countries will work to address the $40+ trillion worth of infrastructure needed by developing countries by 2035.

Through B3W, the G7 and other like-minded partners will coordinate in mobilizing private-sector capital in four areas of focus—climate, health and health security, digital technology, and gender equity and equality—with catalytic investments from our respective development finance institutions.

The initiative aims to catalyze funding for quality infrastructure supporting "climate, health and health security, digital technology, and gender equity and equality". The initiative builds on the Blue Dot Network, a collaboration that aims to build a global network through lending-based financing to build roads, bridges, airports, ports, power plants.

FACT SHEET: President?Biden and G7 Leaders Launch Build Back Better World (B3W)?Partnership

After the AUKUS initiative, it is plain and clear that Europe will be missed by the B3W initiative and the US is after its own agenda, with Infrastructure bill: $1tn for clean energy, internet, trains and more and a separate $3.5tn welfare and climate change bill to be voted in.

To our mind, instead of playing all sorts of political games, the EU had better cooperate with the more reliable, geographic and economic partner, Russia, to become Europe as such.

Where is Russia Standing?

Russia is proud of its $360+ billion smart and green “Big Push” initiative 2024, going as national projects reaching 25.7 trn roubles, of which 13.2 trn roubles are to come from the federal budget, 4.9 trn roubles from the regional budgets and 7.5 trn roubles from extra-budgetary sources of financing.

The three main sub-categories of national projects include human capital development (5.7 trn roubles), Improving the quality of economic environment (9.9 trn roubles) and economic growth (10.1 trn roubles).

The largest national projects include health care (1.7 trn roubles), demographics (3.1 trn roubles), Construction of roads (4.8 trn roubles), Ecology (4 trn roubles), digital economy (1.6 trn roubles) and Infrastructure (6.3 trn roubles).?

Where is Europe standing?

Europe stands in need of its trans-national flagship project as the I-Europe Project.

I-Europe as the European Strategy on Artificial Intelligence (AI)

What is proposed by the European political leaderships as an alternative to the BRI?

Climate change and environmental degradation existential threats to Europe and the world are supposed to overcome by the European Green Deal. It promises to transform the EU into a modern, resource-efficient and competitive economy for the 1.8 trillion euro investments from the NextGenerationEU Recovery Plan, the EU’s seven-year budget, etc.

And what is going on with the most critical technology of the 21st century, AI Technology? For it is plain and clear Europe could become “the world's first climate-neutral continent by 2050, making the European Green Deal a reality” if only leading the global AI Science and Technology?race.

The EU's AI4EU artificial intelligence project officially launched on 1 January 2019 with a view to mobilising Europe's AI community to build the first European on-demand AI platform.

It has launched the “AI4EU bringing together 79 top research institutes, SMEs and large enterprises in 21 countries to build a focal point for artificial intelligence (AI) resources, including data repositories, computing power, tools and algorithms.

The?AI4EU project?will offer services and provide support to potential users of the technology, help them test and integrate AI solutions in their processes, products and services.

The project is being led by the French company?Thales, and receives a total funding of EUR 20 million over the next 3 years. The platform will be set up in the course of 2019”.

What is True AI and Real Machine Intelligence and Learning: The Trans-AI Platform of Human-Centered AIs: Real AI4EE vs. AI4EU

Total public and private investments in the EU should reach at least EUR 20 billion by the end of 2020.

The European Investment Bank (EIB) and European Commission has published a new study on the state of play in artificial intelligence and blockchain technologies in the European Union: “Artificial intelligence, blockchain and the future of Europe: How disruptive technologies create opportunities for a green and digital economy.”

The study was produced by the EIB’s Innovation Finance Advisory team in close collaboration with DG CONNECT under the InnovFin programme – a joint EIB and European Commission initiative to support Europe’s innovators.

New EIB report: €10 billion investment gap in artificial intelligence and blockchain technologies is holding back the European Union

  • Annual shortfall of up to €10?billion in investments to keep the European Union in the global artificial intelligence and blockchain race.
  • The European Union only accounts for 7% of annual equity investments in both technologies, while the United States and China together account for 80%.
  • However, the European Union excels in research related to both technologies and has a large pool of digital talent to build on.

Why does Europe need the RSI Project?

The Man-Machine RSI Platform is a real and true human-machine supermind/superntelligence, the genius core of all digital and emerging technologies of mixed physical and digital realities, from AI Automation and ML Robotics to blockchain technologies. Its globally intelligent systems are integrating all sorts of automated ML/DL/ANN models, algorithms, techniques, applications, and cloud platforms.

The RSI Platform has the potential to revolutionise the way the world live, work, study, travel, relax, and organise our societies, economies, and day-to-day lives, improving our world to the best.

Encoding fundamental scientific, ethical and sustainability principles – It has all the potential to create new pathways for our growth, driving social, political, environmental, and deep technological solutions to make our societies truly intelligent, digital and green, and ultimately keeping the planet robust, sustainable and habitable.

The RSI is to help solve most global risks and planetary threats to human survival and progression, environmental, geopolitical, economic, social, and technological, with the top global risks as.?

Mass poverty; Technological unemployment; Global stagnation; Socio-political-economic inequalities; Extreme weather; Infectious diseases; Climate action failure; Human environmental damage; Biodiversity loss; Weapons of mass destruction; Cybersecurity failure; Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems; Energy crises; Democracy collapse; Corruption

The RSI is critical for fostering innovations, competitiveness, and sustainable economic growth, being key enabler of the digital and green transformation.?

In smart sustainable financing, a key?role could be played by large institutional investors such as pension funds, insurers and endowments, as well as the ECB and all Member States.

The RSI as the Synergetic Man-Machine Intelligence emergings as the genuine General-Purpose Technology for the traditional GPTs:

the power engine, railroad, interchangeable parts, electricity, electronics, mechanization, control theory (automation), the automobile, the computer, the Internet, nanotechnology, biotechnology, and machine learning.

The RSI development has all the power to transform the world and upend obsolete political, economic, and social institutions. Its socio-political and economic impact could be more than the first nuclear bomb, the Sputnik 1957, and the first man in space 1961, all taken together.


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