Why is Early Mental Health Care Important?
This is the early period of life which is critical in forming the foundations of development and mental health. During this period, a child's brain is experiencing rapid growth and forming neural connections that will shape future development.
The care and attention given in the early stages of a child's life can have a significant impact on their mental health development in the future.
Here are some important ways to pay attention to children's mental health from an early age:
Secure Emotional Bonds:
From the moment a baby is born, it is crucial to build a secure emotional bond with them. Providing love, attention, and emotional support will help the child feel loved and safe. This attention is essential for healthy emotional and cognitive development.
Monitor Child Development:
Monitor and pay attention to the child's overall development. Ensure they reach developmental milestones according to their age. If there are delays or other developmental issues, consult with a pediatrician or child psychologist promptly.
Consistent Routines:
Children thrive on consistent routines in their daily lives. It helps them feel secure, understand expectations, and reduce unnecessary stress.
Supportive Environment:
Create a supportive environment at home and around the child. Ensure they grow up in a loving environment, free from violence or excessive stress, and have opportunities to play and interact with peers.
Pay Attention to Physical Health:
Physical and mental health are interconnected. Ensure the child receives nutritious food, enough sleep, and sufficient physical activity. Adequate nutrition and sleep play a crucial role in maintaining children's mental health.
Two-Way Communication:
Engage in two-way communication with the child and listen attentively to what they say. Listening to their feelings and emotions can help you understand their feelings and provide support when they face difficulties.
Limit Exposure to Inappropriate Content:
Ensure children are exposed to age-appropriate media content. Limit their access to content that may be frightening or unsuitable for their age.
By providing the right attention and support, we can help children grow into emotionally and mentally healthy individuals. The attention given in their early stages can bring long-term benefits in developing strong and resilient mental health in the future. Get guidance on mental health through the Fammi app. Enjoy features like sharing and counseling with Friends, Influencers, and Experts in Fammi City. Stay tuned for its launch on Google Play Store.