Why is E-A-T Important For Your Website?

Why is E-A-T Important For Your Website?

By now you might be having a clear idea of what is the meaning of E-A-T (expertise, authority, and trustworthiness). Let discuss Why E-A-T is important for every website trying to rank at the top in SERP?

As discussed earlier E-A-T helps quality checkers to analyze the value of your website or page.?Whenever a quality checker visits your web page they keep E-A-T in their mind to determine how good and authentic your content and page are for the user and for that particular search term. In simple words, Their main aim is to identify whether they are getting satisfied with the online experience or not.?

For example, if any of your employees lack expertise, authority, and trustworthiness then you will look for some other alternative who can effectively bring out the best results for your organization. The same goes with Google,?Whenever a google search finds a web page lacking expertise, authority, and trustworthiness then they simply shift to some other website and search engine. Google is very much concerned about providing the best and effective search results to its users.?

Your website E-A-T (expertise, authority, and trustworthiness)?will help you to determine why a user would choose your website or content over your competitors. Google wants to provide the best results to its users so that they don’t shift to some other search engines. If your website lacks in offering E-A-T then it can directly affect your website ranking in the SERP.

Google always wants the best, if your web page fails to satisfy user needs then google will simply promote some other website that is offering better results.?If your competitor's domain and page provide better results then their website can be promoted to the top.

Your industry also plays a crucial role in determining your ranking. The requirement to deliver high-level content and user experience multiplies for some industries. Google uses YMYL to categorize the different types of industries and search terms for specific industries.?john muller answered questions about a medical website owner whose website traffic decreased:

What Is YMYL??

Next is an acronym that you might have heard before if you have in-depth knowledge about SEO. YMYL stands for Your Money, Your Life. It is one of the most important terms in SEO that can make or break your online business. Google has categorized a few industries that are considered as YMYL pages. In the 2018 Update, google clearly specifies that they will be evaluating authors E-A-T?(expertise, authority, and trustworthiness) mainly for the YMYL subjects.?Many websites after?medic update?many saw a rise and fall in their website traffic.?

Read More: What Are E-A-T, YMYL & Beneficial Purposes? Explained With Search Quality Evaluator Guidelines

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