Why don't pizza lunches and billion-dollar spending improve your employee engagement?

Why don't pizza lunches and billion-dollar spending improve your employee engagement?

It’s interesting in terms of the percentage of dollars or the number of dollars that’s spent each year on employee engagement. The estimate comes around a billion dollars a year.

That’s how much we spend on employee surveys, recognition programs, and related types of activities to improve engagement in the workplace and the estimate is that’s only about half the market saturated.

So only about half the organizations are actually spending time and energy on trying to investigate and understand engagement.

And there’s a long way to go so there’s probably the market size of just measuring and understanding engagement is probably close to 1.5 billion dollars.

So it’s very big market but when you look at the last 10 years or even the last 15 years and you sort of think well what have we gotten for all that money that we spent in the workplace to measuring engagement and engagement initiatives and recognition initiatives and pizza lunches and all of those types of things we’re trying to do to drive engagement and seems like we’ve gotten very little and in fact when you hear the data engagement seems to be fairly flat and it hasn’t really increased over the last number of years ?so you wonder well what’s going on?

We’re spending all this money but we’re really not getting a lot of benefits, we’re not seeing improvements in engagement and you’d expect that to be the case.

Part of the reason why we’re not seeing improvements in engagement is because it is very poorly understood in the workplace and in fact if you went out there and asked a hundred organizations if they had a definition of engagement only 25% well actually have a defined definition of engagement, they actually know what they mean when they talk about employee engagement meaning 75% of the organizations don’t even have a clue or don’t even have a good indication of what they’re really measuring and trying to approve in the workplace.

so I think that part of the reason if you sort of think well we’re trying to measure something and we’re trying to improve it but we really don’t know what we’re measuring so it’s going to be very difficult to improve upon something you really don’t know what you’re measuring.

so engagement as a concept is still really poorly understood.

Do you have a clear definition of employee engagement?


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