Why don't people in agile  PLAN  !?  [...or do documentation, for that matter .!!?]

Why don't people in agile PLAN !? [...or do documentation, for that matter .!!?]

Many Project and Program Managers in Corporate America might be worried about how well agile folks plan when they read the Agile Manifesto that states it values: 

     "Responding to Change" over "Following a Plan” 

However, once you come to understand how a SAFe lean-agilist "responds to change", and the VALUE that this approach creates, not to mention how much discipline exists within agile planning cycles, you might never want to go back to any other way. This can be true especially if you are in a complex development environment, as PMBOK-6 and the new PMI-Agile Practice Guide talks about. 

Q’s to answer:

  • Is it really possible for large enterprises to plan and deliver high-quality features at scale [that not only work, but that are liked by Business] every 2-weeks or less ?
  • How do my skills line-up with the lean-agile-SAFe ways of working, and to which roles would I be best suited ?
  • How can we get work to flow thru the organization without so much waste, inefficiency and delays ?
  • Where do I get some “agile dust” and/or “team-building dust” to sprinkle on the people who work here so we can go faster and better ? 

Learn how SAFe welcomes refined and even changing requirements from both Business partners and Technologists at all levels in the enterprise, even late in development, and how we do this without cumbersome scope-change forms, nor a mindset of people owing each-other stuff and arguing with and “us-vs.-them” culture because something got changed.

oh, and by the way, we do docs in SAFe, for sure! its just that we do just enough of truly needed docs as we go. We do not create the entire requirements doc all up front, same with Design, no huge design doc that has to be "signed off" before proceeding - Developing and refining docs JUST IN TIME is a great way to reduce waste and stay focused on building the most important stuff so it can be delivered to customers in shortest time possible -

If you want to learn more, check this out:


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