Why Donating your Technology Matters: An Interview with Cal State LA
David Chan, an employee at our Human-I-T LA warehouse, handles a monitor to put it in position for testing.

Why Donating your Technology Matters: An Interview with Cal State LA

Recently, I had the pleasure of sitting with students from Cal State LA to discuss Human-I-T's process and impacts. It is always an honor to meet with ambitious future leaders to help them explore their interests. The following transcript from that interview is presented below, modified slightly for clarity.

Interviewer: Where does Human-I-T acquire e-waste from?

Charles Pellicane: Human-I-T acquires e-waste from people and organizations of all types, kinds and sizes. We pride ourselves on giving organizations the opportunity to do good. As a result, the majority of our donations comes from businesses, colleges, schools, hospitals and municipalities. We also accept public donations from individuals through drops offs and a send-in-box program. Without our donors, there wouldn't be a Human-I-T. They are critical partners in stewarding the environment and providing digital inclusion services.

Interviewer: How much e-waste does Human-I-T collect?

CP: Human-I-T has collected over 9 million pounds of e-waste since the start of the organization in 2012. This year, we will collect over 2.8 million pounds of technology; with over 2 million pounds going through our Los Angeles location. Each device that is kept from a landfill represents toxic materials and metals prevented from leaching into our soil and drinking water. Each device repurposed is a device that isn't trashed or recycled but is giving more life, building a circular economy.

Interviewer: What is the typical process of collecting, refurbishing, and diverting e-waste?

CP: The typical process of collecting, refurbishing and diverting e-waste is really pretty simple. We gather information on the donation and depending on the location and size we may send a truck or have it shipped to either our Los Angeles or Detroit warehouse. Once in our warehouse, we inventory all the items, test and clean them, and add any pieces needed to create a functioning device like RAM or a HDD. Certain devices we distribute directly back to people in need, like: veterans, students, and low-income communities. We list laptops and other personal devices on our HITConnect store, allowing people in need who don't qualify for a free device to purchase a high quality computer or tablet at a low cost. Some items we list on our ebay store, which generates revenue for digital inclusion services

Interviewer: What type of negative impact does e-waste create on our planet and who is impacted the most?

The negative impact e-waste creates on our planet is large, but it doesn't have to be that way. E-waste is the largest growing waste stream on the planet. According to the EPA, we only recycle between 15-20% of our e-waste. So many devices are being landfilled, with toxic metals and other hazardous materials leaking into the ground and impacting the soil, plants, and our water. And of that 15-20% that is recycled, if you aren't using the right recyclers it may be ending up overseas in third-word nations in a landfill or being processed through means that are damaging to the environment and the people. So this e-waste unfortunately impacts those who are already in tough situations the most.

Interviewer: What type of positive impact is Human-I-T creating on our planet by gathering e-waste to refurbish and divert it?

The positive impact created by gathering e-waste to refurbish and divert it is holistic sustainability, opportunity, and equity & empowerment. Re-using technology is 25 times better for the environment that recycling. That makes sense when you think of the energy required to recycle and remanufacture the goods, rather than extending he life of an item. So you're not only preserving the environment, but also reducing further degradation. Less mining to get those precious metals, less electricity and less water to recycle. Less human-capital spent on the recycling that can be used for other means. By getting that device into the hands of someone who needs it and will use it, you are giving that person opportunities. Opportunity to connect with friends and family, apply for jobs, take classes, educate themselves, or just relax through entertainment. Rather than being left behind, it is an opportunity to participate fully in society. When we give someone a device, this creates an equitable society where everyone can participate. It drives empowerment because now, this individual can do anything. With access to technology and information, audacious ideas can flow, like: new solutions to societal problems, new inventions, and new businesses that will drive more good. That is holistic sustainability. Not just preserving the earth, but making it better.

Interviewer: Why is it important for others to donate their e-waste?

It is important to donate e-waste because it is an easy way to do good. You create opportunities while doing stewarding the environment. Doing good makes you feel good. And with us, it should. Your devices fuel more connected communities, more educated individuals, and a better world. Your e-waste is turned to equitable opportunities.

Interviewer: What is your favorite part about participating in Human-IT's environmental impact?

My favorite part about participating in Human-I-T's environmental impact is that it matters. I'm reminded of the starfish parable of a man and a boy walking down the beach. There are starfish on the beach outside the tide soon to die and the little boy is tossing them back. The old man scolds the boy, telling him: "Can't you see there are thousands of starfish washed ashore, you'll never be able to save them all." And the little boy answers as he tosses another back in the ocean, "It matters for this one." We may not get every device, but the devices we do get and are able to give to people to change lives. It matters for that one person, so much.

Interviewer: What is one thing you wish others were aware of about our role as technology consumers?

The one thing I wish others were aware of about our role as technology consumers is that recycling isn't enough. Reuse is a must. I think we all know that putting technology in landfills is bad, but I also think too many people are okay with recycling. Then when we recycle, not all programs are the same. Is the organization focused on re-use? And even if they are focused on reuse, to what end? If the devices aren't going to digital inclusion services, where are they going??

End of interview.


Charles Pellicane, CPEP, CITAD, CAMP, CPCU的更多文章

