Why Dogs Make Us Happy? | How & Why
Thousands of years ago, wolves helped humans survive in tough conditions, and out of this partnership, dogs were born. Even today, dogs are helping humans survive and thrive, just in a different way! Dogs make us happy!
With approximately 1,02,00,000 pet dogs in India – our country ranks 6th in the world in total dog population. We Indians, really love our pet pooches! Several studies have also shown that when dogs and humans interact both experience a surge in Oxytocin - a hormone associated with the feeling of falling in love.?
Having dogs in our vicinity is not good just for our mental health but physical too. A study conducted on patients in an emergency room showed that those who spent just 10 minutes with dogs reported lower levels of pain. Several studies have also found a link between dogs and reduced risk of cardiovascular mortality, lower blood pressure levels, and improved responses to stress. The fact that dog owners have to take their pooches for walks outside also helps with regular physical exercise and increased exposure to Vitamin D.??
Animal Assisted Intervention is also slowly developing as an alternate therapy form to help people cope with depression, and anxiety, to help children with disabilities, and to provide assistance to those going through trauma. Dogs have been known to help improve our health, and our moods and even boost our productivity and likeability.
But why do these four-legged, fanged and clawed, powerful creatures have such a hold over us? Nishtha Shanti explores in this episode of How & Why.?
How and Why – the answers to these two questions can largely explain the complexities of any topic at hand. Which is exactly what we’re trying to do! Through this docu-series, we’re attempting to bring to light unexplored aspects and uniquely Indian perspectives on various topics to our audiences. You can watch other episodes from 'How & Why' here.
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