Why Does Your Startup Need A Fractional CTO?
Jeff Nelson
Co-Founder & COO at Blavity Inc. | AI Innovator and Entrepreneur | The Relatable CTO
The term fractional CTO refers to an individual at the executive level who is hired by startup businesses who may not have the budget or the work capacity for a full-time Chief Technology Officer. As a business owner, you may not see the need for a fractional CTO due to budget reasons, but there are so many reasons why a fractional CTO is one of the best investments you’ll make for your startup business.
?Fractional CTO’s do more than keep you up to date on the latest technology. They help you create a strategy that will enhance your business in every aspect while making sure you always stay on budget. A fractional CTO is someone who you can always count on to have your business’s success at the forefront of their actions.
What Is A Fractional CTO?
To put it in simple terms, a fractional CTO is an experienced, well-rounded technology professional who has worked in executive positions before. The acronym CTO stands for Chief Technology Officer, and the term ‘fractional’ refers to this individual being part-time.
?The reasons a company or business would need a part-time Chief Technology Officer would be for the most obvious reason, budget issues not allowing them to hire someone for that position full-time. Another reason a business or company would need a fractional CTO would be not having enough work for an individual to do it full-time. This kind of position is usually used in startup businesses since they don’t tend to need for a full-time Chief Technology Officer, and they may not have a large budget for one in their first year or two in business.
?Most businesses, especially startup businesses need a fractional CTO for many reasons. They need someone who understands the business’s goals and objectives but also has a deep knowledge of how this industry works and can provide proper support for those businesses.
?As a business owner, you can plan as much as you want to, but things don’t always go as planned. There may be bumps in the road that you weren’t expecting, and having an experienced fractional CTO in your corner of connections, they can help you in growing your business and helping you achieve the results you were hoping for.
?Now that you have a general understanding of what a fractional CTO is and how it can help businesses, let’s discuss what a fractional CTO does and what their responsibilities are.
What Are The Roles And Responsibilities Of A Fractional CTO?
Your?fractional CTO?is much more than just someone to lean on when something goes wrong. While they are a great resource to have and necessary for any business, they do much more than just ensure security and technology innovation within your business. When you bring on a fractional CTO to your business or company, they will help you deal with the realities of what comes with owning a business and be there to help problem-solve when needed. If you’re unsure exactly what a fractional CTO does and what their roles and responsibility will be within your business, here’s what those?roles and responsibilities?are:
1.????Leadership And Management
When you hire a fractional CTO, they will work on general leadership and management of your business and the technology part of your business. If you’re a startup business, you may not have experience managing all the different aspects of your business. You may be great at marketing, creating your product or service, but you may not be good at the technology aspect. A fractional CTO is a crucial part of your business’s success, and without one, you may not be able to keep up to date with the technological advances, not allowing your business to reach its full potential.
2.????Product/Service Development
In the world of technology and consumerism, it seems like everything has been done, right? But that’s wrong! Technology is an ever-changing industry, just like consumers are ever-changing. You may think your target audience has everything they need, but your product or service is something they are missing. Your fractional CTO can aid in the product and service development of your business. They can assess your target audience and find ways to add value to their lives through research and technology use. The use of technology is one of the best ways to further develop your products, your services, and most importantly, your relationships with your customers.
3.????Software Development
We all know that technology is an industry that is always?developing and changing. Meaning, as the technology world changes, our business needs to change. A fractional CTO will keep up to date with the technology, what’s new and now, and how they can develop your software to keep up with the current times. Your fractional CTO will encourage you to use the newest technology so that your business always stays up to date with what consumers are doing and using. A fractional CTO will constantly be working on software development in your business so you can always keep your customers happy, no matter what industry you are in.
4.????Vision And Strategy
There are many?benefits to hiring a fractional CTO for your business, but one of the biggest benefits is having them help create solutions to help you work towards your vision and create a business strategy that will help you achieve your business goals. Planning to have success is a completely different thing than creating detailed plans for every step of the way. You can make a goal to make X amount of dollars in your first year of business, but what is your detailed strategic plan to achieve that goal? Your fractional CTO will help you create a strategy to achieve your visions and goals for your business.
5.????Partnerships Management
One of the biggest things you’ll notice in any business is that partnerships matter, especially in a startup business. When you are just starting out, doing things completely on your own isn’t realistic and it definitely isn’t the smartest choice. Since your fractional CTO has a wealth of knowledge and connections, they will be able to help you create and maintain partnerships with other businesses. Partnerships are mutually beneficial to you and them, so why not use them to your advantage? One of the main responsibilities of your fractional CTO will be managing these partnerships and relationships so that they can continue to be mutually beneficial as both parties continue to grow the ladder of success.
6.????Scalability And Sustainability Planning
Starting a business is one thing but creating a scalable and sustainable business is another thing. When creating or launching a startup, your fractional CTO will help ensure your business is able to be scaled for future growth, and they will also put in proper processes to ensure your business is sustainable. What does it mean to have a scalable and sustainable business? This means your fractional CTO will make sure your business will be around and for centuries and will continuously see growth year to year.
7.????Risk And Security Management
One of the most important roles your fractional CTO will play in your business is being risk and security management. They will work each day to ensure the security of your business and your business’s confidential information. They will also determine what are major risks to your business, and they will find ways to mitigate those risks. They will also determine ways to avoid risk or security breaches before they even happen. Besides, the best way to avoid risk and security issues is to plan ahead for them – that’s where your fractional CTO comes into play.
8.????Allocation Of Capital And Budget
Another important role your fractional CTO has is allocation your capital and making sure your budget stays on track. It’s no surprise that things will happen, and your budget may be thrown off slightly throughout the year. Your fractional CTO will closely monitor your budget and make sure your business’s capital is properly allocated. They want to see your business succeed as much as you do, so they will do what it takes to make sure you are always on track to reach your year-end goals. This is something you may not have the proper time for, so that’s why hiring a fractional CTO is so important!
5 Reasons Why Your Startup Needs A Fractional CTO
Starting a business sounds fun and all, but it takes a lot of time, energy, and money. Being a startup means you need to get a lot of things in order before launch day, and you need to have the right people backing you, like a fractional CTO (Chief Technology Officer). Without the right people in the right places, your startup business may fail. So, if you are looking to avoid that,?here is why you need to hire a fractional CTO:
1.????Strategic Viewpoint
A fractional CTO will come into your startup business with no bias. They will also bring a lot of knowledge and resources into your startup, making them have a?strategic viewpoint?to your startup. By hiring a fractional CTO, you now have one person who is working on your technology strategy, meaning you only have one point of contact, making it easier to keep track of things while you can focus on the more important parts of your startup. With a fractional CTO, you no longer have to worry about the technology strategy of your business, which is one of the most important strategies involved in your business, and you can focus on growing your business instead.
2.????Resources & Information
Fractional CTO’s bring in years of experience and knowledge to your startup. They know the best ways to launch a startup, the best ways to strategize and use technology to your advantage, and they know how to properly educate you (and your employees if you have them) on how to utilize technology (specifically social media) to grow your business. If you use things like cloud computing and SEO to further enhance your business, they will also be able to provide you with information and resources regarding those things. Another thing they may do for you is showing you different ways or processes you can do to use technology to benefit your business.
3.????Acts As A Liaison For Your Business
A fractional CTO acts as a?business liaison?for you, meaning they make sure to understand your strategy and find ways to help you achieve your business goals. They work with you and your technology team closely to ensure your business needs and goals are being met properly and efficiently. They help you enhance your structure and your strategy, and they can help you translate technical terms so you can easily understand them – let’s be real, technology terms and talk can get pretty confusing if that isn’t your specialty. A fractional CTO helps keep the communication going throughout all aspects of your business, so everyone is on the same page.
4.????Budgeting & ROI
When it comes to your budget for your technology, the capital needed can get pricey. Your technology practices will eat at a good chunk of your budget, but with the help of a fractional CTO, they will make sure your budget stays on track throughout the year. When it comes to talking about the ROI in your business, your fractional CTO will help define your ROI and what your baseline looks like. They will help you decide which technology advances are worth your money, and which ones to pass on. They want your budget to work for you, not you working for your budget.
5.????Experience And Connections
Again, a fractional CTO has been in business for quite some time, and they have a wealth of experience and connections. Whatever connections they have from past work, they will bring to you and your business so you can create your own network. Fractional CTO’s have years of experience working in different fields and industries, and when you hire a fractional CTO, their experience becomes your experience.
A fractional CTO is an important and necessary executive to have on your side, especially when working on a startup company. Startups don’t typically see instant success, but by having the right people on your team, you can create a strategy that will help you achieve the vision and goals you set for yourself and your startup business.
?Having a fractional CTO on your team will do nothing but help you stay on track budget-wise, they will know the newest technology and show you how you can use it to your advantage, and they will let you know which technology is worth your hard-earned money or not. The world of technology is always changing. As a business owner, there are so many things you need to focus on, meaning you may not have the time to keep up to date on the newest trends – that’s why hiring a fractional CTO is a necessity!