Why Does Success in the USA Sacrifice Values?
As a Canadian, I've grown up seeing articles about business, culture, and entertainment from around the globe. Canadian news media has always tried to be fair, impartial and give us a global view based on the values that aren't based on power and wealth.
There is no doubt some businesses (especially in the USA) will follow cultural trends. If DEI matters to the public, they will embrace it in a public way to improve their image. Sadly in the USA we are seeing the shallow side to that as they remove DEI based on the narcissistic sociopathic leadership now in place.
First hand, I've seen Amazon and Electronic Arts implement DEI policies and procedures long ago. Amazon has enough trouble hiring people because of the pace they burn them out, so they have to cast a wide net to hire anyone who meets the bar. As I say to people though, they will gladly consume every last ounce of effort out of anyone and it doesn't matter what demographic they belong in!
There is really no cost to implementing DEI. Statistically it does give you a larger group of candidates. It's not about enforcing statistics, it's about ensuring there is no bias in the process. For example, if 20% of the candidates for a role such as software developer are female, then if there is a lack of bias, the number of hires in that role should be close to 20%.
However, diversity isn't just about gender, or race, or creed, or culture! Sometimes hiring can favor a specific university unfairly. Age is a common one. Sometimes it's because they think the candidate changed jobs too often, or not often enough.
It's not about lowering the bar, it's about making sure that we remove bias to make sure we recognize who meets the bar fairly.
Equity isn't about equality, it's about ensuring everyone has an equal chance. If HR policy favors extroverts, then introverts are negatively impacted. So we need to treat introverts differently than extroverts.
Inclusivity is embracing differences. A simple example I was in a team meeting where most of the team were talking about gaming, however, a few members of the team, were not gamers, after a short time, I changed the subject to include the non-gamers. It's that simple.
Elon Musk is still getting hero worship, on this platform, because his financial success and power is seen as important, based on a known cognitive bias, 'The Halo Effect' despite is racist, toxic behaviors. Why?
Do people perceive that we can't be successful with values and morals? That's what seems to be an attitude with far too many in the USA.
I'm founding a startup True North Algorithms? AI and I'm going to bake into the company ethical values and stand by them. DEI will be core to the success of the business. I don't think I'll make less money because of it. Frankly if I lose customers that are narcissistic, lacking in compassion and empathy for others, ignorant and selfish, they are customers I don't want.
I've seen what toxicity costs a company, first hand. Even with the companies have been trying to avoid it! I've been in one on ones with staff hurt by others and know that it hurt their productivity. I know of cases where superior candidates were rejected for the wrong reasons due to bias or inferior ones hired due to another bias.
We need to make it cool to care about others!
I love the philosophy from the Nguni Bantu languages expressed in the word Ubuntu.
"I am because we are."