Why does Success Always Starts With Failure?
Aakash Waghmare
State Government Approved Valuator, Advisor, Estimator, Builder and Developer For Real Estate Industry
Often, millions of people daily face their failures and ask themselves, ‘why does success always start with failure?’
I was the person who ask such things to myself? I was always fascinated about why, why I am not lucky, why they are making this much, why I am not, until, one day, the incident happens…
I was in a Daily Vegetable Market.
People were doing their work, as always. That day was nothing more than normal.
But, somewhere inside my mind, I was finding the answers.
I went to the shop and purchased the vegetable. I found that the owner is really struggling hard to serve the customers. And in the end, he is really great salesman, and therefore he is making his money.
I suddenly got an idea to do the same, but, I thought, ‘It’s a big competition market and a very cheap profit ratio’ and I had to struggle and get failure in the first few years to get sustain.
I thought now, the right question, ‘Why? Why does every success get failure in the first few years?’
Immediately, inside my mind, I heard ?? the Bell,
Tring tring, ???????? tring tring. ????????
I received a call ???? and said, ‘Who?’
The reply came, ‘Your Rich Mind’ ??
I said, ‘Yes, I want your help?’ ??
He replied, “I am there for you!” ??
I said, ‘Nice, tell me now, why?’
He replied, ‘Because you’re not proving your CEVA to your success?’
I said, ‘What? What is CEVA? What do you mean by it?’
He replied, ‘CEVA is nothing but, Commitment, Efforts, Values, and Accountability’
The phone beeps and we end the call.
That day, Rich Mind taught me the biggest lesson in the world, that millions and billions of people don’t know.
He taught me to have the CEVA (sounding like SEVA, which means serving) with me If I don’t want to get the failure in life.
He taught me, why millions of people struggle and said, ‘Aakash, People live their whole life dreaming always, but they never Commit to themselves deeply to start their life’
This is the first line, you’ve to cross.
CEVA is the Lines of Defences to the Universe of Freedom, Success and Happiness.
This First Line of?Defense
Billions of people are struggling, it’s not because, they don’t have dreams, it’s because they don’t cross even the First Line of Defense to the Empire of Success.
To cross this first line of defense with Commitment, foremost, they don’t have the Courage with them.
If they Cross with courage and a bit of Commitment, They don’t even try to cross the Second line of Defense to the Empire of Success.
This Second line of Defense is?Effort.
People are counting their efforts, not doing their?efforts.
If I tell you, how many times I went to the MIDC area, industrial area to get that one deal for my business, you’ll say, ‘oh… so much hard work, but, bullshit, what is there for me, I don’t care, what you do for your success, just tell me, what you know what you did, what shortcuts you used so that I can achieve my success faster, don’t tell me your efforts journey’
I don’t know why people are eager to show their efforts, I think they need sympathy from people, but, what do they get in return? Nothing. No one is here to care for you, except your family and your love, and some thoughtful real leaders, only if you’re important to them.
Efforts are an essential part of Success. It’s the second line of defense, you’ve to cross.
If you’re counting your efforts, and not doing your efforts, not doing what is required to do, You’ll play around the defense line only, you’ll not go to cross it ever in your life.
Don’t do efforts for your Success, do the Right efforts for your?success.
The third Line of Defense is?value.
When you’ve your Dream, You’re deeply committed to it, you’re ready to do the right efforts for it, then, still, people get failure.
They get failure because, they start their Journey, considering, what is there for them.
Everything, almost, starts with, ‘What is there for?me’
People starts something to get something, and hence, they get?nothing.
Because, As they are thinking for themselves, so as, others are. And they do the same mistake.
They think, what’s there for them, their clients and customers think, what’s there for them. ??
They think they are giving this and this, and their customer and clients think, they are not getting this and this. ??
?? This is a pretty good game to play in our entire life. Very funny, and very exciting, more than PUBG. Trust me. ??
And more than 77% of people around the globe, want their success by giving nothing to one. ????????
They're thinking that they are already giving everything, and are not just having luck with them.
I don’t why, there is luck for them, but they are only wanting to be lucky to get their Success, But, they’ll never understand, first, they have to be the person to get that luck.
Consider luck is Carpenter. He can construct Good Structures only with Woods. Now, if you’re a rock, stone, or marble, how can he go to structure you? Even if he tries, he’ll fail.
So as, don’t wait to be lucky, make yourself lucky by doing?CEVA.
And for the Value, to cross this third line of Defense of Success, always work for others' success.
Do you think that I love to write this blog, article, and social media content? I love doing it, and therefore I am doing it? Of course not. This is the work, I hate most. More than doing any bad things.
But, this is the third line of defense, and I’m committed to crossing to it.
While giving your VALUE, there is one thing to consider, do everything, from your?heart.
I love helping people in their journey using my experiences. But I hate writing it. And If I don’t write, and don’t tell the same to people, ‘How can I help them in reality? How can I provide value to their life?’
If you’re enough able to provide value to people with your true heart, people will do the same with you. Because the world is our mirror.
Now, the final, Line of Defense. This is where most people take exits. This is where most people get back to their caves.
The most hilarious, most insane, most dangerous, most powerful, Line of Defense is Accountability.
Billions of books, around the globe, struggling to help you to be accountable.
Do you think that you’ve your degree, means you’re done with your education? You’ve got some knowledge, to do something?
You’re wrong. You’re wrong totally?
Books, and education, are not there to help you to be educated, to get knowledge, skills and abilities, they are actually, helping you, to get accountable.
If you’ve knowledge of something, it doesn’t mean you know something.
If you live it, then you know?it.
And what is meant by living it? It is nothing, being accountable to do something.
People, struggle, they put effort, they commit, and they provide values, but, they get out immediately when they get problems.
They never consider themselves accountable.
If you’re enough habitable to get responsibility, in whatever case, and continue to do it, You’ll cross your Fourth line of Defense towards the Empire of Freedom, Success, and Happiness.
Now, are you committed to Putting CEVA?
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