Why does social media presence matter to a brand?

Why does social media presence matter to a brand?

In 2023, it is estimated that there are 4.89 billion social media users worldwide. That presents a phenomenal opportunity to get your brand noticed.

With an active social media presence for your business, customer acquisition and retention becomes almost automatic. Your customers crave interaction that feels personal and direct, so you just can’t deliver the same feeling through traditional sales writing or landing pages.

The beauty of social media marketing is that your message will reach an audience who’s already primed to listen and ready to be converted.

Aside from connections, social media also matters for customer support. Twitter profiles managed by large firms often have dedicated support profiles tailored specifically to solve concerns in no-time flat. Saving time for their customers means saving time for their support team; that means they’re saving money.

Nevertheless it’s essential for businesses to increase online visibility and generate leads. With precise targeting options and advanced analytics, brands/businesses can use their social media presence to reach their target audience more effectively and measure the ROI of campaigns.

5 major tips for building a social media presence

1. Set SMART goals

  • S = Specific
  • M = Measurable
  • A = Achievable
  • R = Relevant
  • T = Time-bound

2. Identify your audience

Social media is all about segmentation. Are you targeting younger users? Then use TikTok or Snap. Older customers might prefer Twitter or Instagram, whereas B2B sales require a presence on LinkedIn.

3. Be human

With every share, like, hashtag, comment or follow, social media users are actively engaging with your content. To maximize this, be yourself. Be approachable, honest and real, and lastly write your captions like you are texting someone close.

4. Seek relationships, not just followers

Not everything has to do with selling, try to engage in irrelevant topics that will attract followers

5. Stay active

Remember to use that calendar function to maintain a regular posting schedule. Experiment with frequency and times to find out how often to post and when.


