Why Does The Queen Have Two Birthdays A Year?
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This article was originally posted on the Easthampstead Park Blog in May - find more interesting reads there!
From the outset, the entire?twin birthday concept?probably seems like something of a contradiction, especially as it’s obviously an impossibility to be born on two different days.
The reality in this case however, is a little more complex than this, yet there is also actually a surprisingly simple reason as to?Why the Queen Has Two Birthdays.
And let’s be honest – someone as incredible as?Queen Elizabeth II, whose unbelievably long reign, a reign that will invariably go down in the history books for centuries to come, certainly deserves a little “extra” consideration.
And while it might seem strange for her to have two birthdays, the reality behind this tradition is actually highly intriguing in any case and we hope you enjoy reading about it.
So Why Does The Queen Have Two Birthdays?
To answer this in its simplest form, it’s because in April, when the?Queens REAL Birthday?is honoured, its always been too cold in England for any sort of outdoor celebration, parade or commemoration.
Thus, Queen Elizabeth II, like her ancestors before her and dating all the way back to her 5th Great-Grandfather George the II, decided to attach her birthday celebrations to the Trooping of the Colours military procession. Held in June each year, the weather in the UK is usually far more agreeable, and the reasoning was that the entire population would be able to celebrate with the monarch at that time of the year, both indoors and outdoors.
Thus, the simple change of date allows the country to celebrate with all the grandeur befitting someone of the?Queens Regal Title.
When are the Queen’s Birthdays?
As subjects of the United Kingdom we all know that the Queen is unique in that she actually celebrates her birthday twice per year; one on her biological birthday, or what most of us would consider a “true” birthday with her second birthday, or her “official birthday” being the day when the country itself celebrates the birth of the Queen.
The?Queens biological birthday is on April 21st?and her official birthday is on the?Second Saturday of June?each year to ensure a welcome long weekend holiday throughout the country. In 2022 that day falls on?Saturday June 10th.
How Old is the Queen?
As of 2022, Queen Elizabeth II has just turned 96.
She was coronated to the throne in 1953, meaning that her Platinum Jubilee is also occurring this year, in 2022 – making her the longest-serving British monarch ever.
What Year Was the Queen Born?
Queen Elizabeth II was born on the 21st?of April, 1926, to the Duke and Duchess of York at the time – who would later go on to become King George VI and Queen Elizabeth.
Queen Elizabeth II’s mother was not the Queen outright, and she was instead a Queen consort – similarly to how Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh, was Prince Consort to Queen Elizabeth II. Instead, Queen Elizabeth II’s predecessor in name, Elizabeth I, was Queen during the Tudor era between 1533 and 1603.
What Does The Queen Do On Her Real Birthday?
As already discussed, the Queen’s real birthday is on the 21st?of April.
It’s common for the Queen to spend the day with her loved ones during this time. The Queen’s real birthday in April is usually a much more relaxed and private matter than her official birthday in June, when the whole country celebrates the occasion, and many grand festivities are made to celebrate the event in the summer sun.
Queens Birthday Celebrations in Berkshire
There you have it, now you know exactly Why The Queen Has Two Birthdays each year. We hope you enjoyed the read!
Perhaps, at some point in the future, you might think about joining us here at Easthampstead Park to celebrate the Queens Birthday with us, we’d love to host you and all your friends and family here for truly unforgettable Queens Birthday Celebration.
We’d love to see you soon here at?Easthampstead Park. Why not come visit us and perhaps celebrate the Queens Birthday with us CLICK HERE