Why Does Programmatic Matter?
Programmatic marketing is a way to target what types of audience you wish show your advertising to. Which can encompass segments across demographics such as age, gender, social standing, to geographic in certain areas of the country. As with Paid Search you can also limit the ads to times of day and frequency. Using Programmatic you can decide which publishers you want your ads to show on. This way you are only paying for highly effective ads, delivered to the right people at the right time. It’s a change from traditional ad buying. No longer a buyer agrees to run a certain number of ads with a publisher and is locked in to the contract (stateofdigital.com)
Why does programmatic advertising matter?
Efficiency. Before programmatic ad buying, digital ads were bought and sold by human ad buyers
and salespeople, who can be expensive and unreliable. Programmatic advertising technology promises to make the ad buying system more efficient, and therefore cheaper, by removing humans from the process wherever possible. Humans get sick, need to sleep and come to work hungover.
Agencies now say they’re eager to buy as much media as possible through programmatic channels, and some major brands have even built out in-house teams to handle their programmatic ad buying as they spend more of their marketing budgets that way. At the moment, it’s mainly online ads that are traded programmatically, but increasingly media companies and agencies are exploring ways to sell “traditional” media this way, including TV spots and out-of-home ads (digiday.com)