Why does it matter to include women in Coding?
Over the last few years we have seen a big focus on Women in Tech movements. But when it comes to choosing a career, tech still doesn’t seem to be an obvious career choice for women. Although there are several reasons for this, in many cases women simply are not encouraged to choose coding as a profession and are sometimes even actively discouraged. This leaves us with learning and working environments where one demographic is consistently in the minority, which tends to reinforce the myths about the abilities of one group over the other, and the impression that 'tech isn't for women'.
However, this is simply not true.
At codeX we have made it our mission over the past eight years to cultivate unique processes to identify talent. Our focus on gender equality has led to cohorts with 40% - 70% women over the last 3 years, working actively to combat gender stereotyping within tech. We have found that the key factor for training successful coders is independent of coder identity: it is ensuring that our programmes build in the critical thinking skills that software teams are looking for.
Read more about how we do it: codeX: How we develop new software skills
A matter of perspective
It takes a variety of perspectives to create good quality software. The different lived experiences of men and women bring different perspectives to software problems, and we need all of them to develop great, fit-for-purpose tech solutions. Introducing women to code means they can bring their own life experiences to the technology table.?
One reason that women have traditionally been excluded from tech is the way the history of coding has been framed over the years. It will surprise many people to find out that the code to launch the first man into space was created by a number of highly talented women. The 2016 movie, Hidden Figures, tells the little-known story of three African-American women who calculated, by hand, the complex mathematical equations that made it possible for the first astronauts to travel safely to space. These three pioneers, Katherine Johnson, Dorothy Vaughn and Mary Jackson, formed part of a team of mostly female NASA mathematicians, fondly referred to as ‘human’ computers. Making stories like these visible goes a long way to break down stereotypical views.
Greater inclusiveness benefits everyone
It is also important for the economic upliftment of South Africa as a whole that more women are equipped for sustainable future careers. Training that increases the employability and financial inclusion of women is one of the most powerful routes to reduce extreme poverty and vulnerability. Coupled with the fact that South Africa faces a constant developer shortage which only increases annually, it is important to let women know about these employment opportunities and empower them with the skills to become successful developers.
We need all kinds of creative and analytical thinkers in this field to create tech products for our unique problems. For as long as we have a gender imbalance on software teams, people who aren’t involved with creating tech won’t find solutions designed for their specific needs. It is both important and urgent to put the effort in to create pathways for more female developers to join our industry, to become part of identifying specific problems from their lived perspectives, and to be involved in creating practical solutions.?
At codeX we want women and girls to know that software is a viable career for everyone. That’s why we have teamed up with two like-minded organisations, the Canadian Fund for Local Initiatives (CFLI) and the Lithuanian Embassy, embarking on an extensive Discover Coding campaign to start changing perceptions around what it takes to become a successful coder. We all share the belief that tech can empower a whole new generation. That’s why we are especially committed to increasing the number of women in tech by actively trying to break down the barriers and stereotypes of coding. We want people to know that tech isn’t just for guys or mathematical geniuses, but for anyone with the right mindset.
Contact us today at codeX to find out about hiring our incredible graduates for your team!