In this article I will speak about the general flaws and readers need to understand it.
Yes, many a times astrological remedies do not work at all in-spite of the native doing for a very long time, since he / she was asked by an astrologer.
Lets understand it with example : An individual was asked to go to a temple and pray everyday before going to daily work as an astrological remedy.
The individual goes to temple every day, and on the way, he glances over beautiful females standing in bus stop queue and then he also has thoughts about his work schedules of the day and his plannings.
Another individual who is a rich person also goes to temple every day but he becomes very worried about his costly shoes to be stolen which he had removed outside the temple, the moment he enters in the temple.
Another person on the way to temple enters a coffee shop and have a cup of good coffee ever day and a small chat with his friends who meets up there every day.
A person keeps his counts of how many time he went to temple and every time he enter the temple he remember his count as he is fully concentrating on the manifestation of the remedy.
When we go to some temple which has very very long queue and we tend to talk on different topics standing in the queue as there is nothing else for killing time. Here I understand that I am also not practical but try to understand my thought behind it.
In all the examples we can notice that there is no soul connection with God when the individuals enter the temple for prayer. They are there with their physical body presence and with no mind connection, as they are dwelling some where else.
How can a person generate that cosmic connection with God when he is not ONENESS WITH GOD WITH SHUNYA AVASTA ( a complete zero state ).
Now in another type of example :?A person was asked to perform a puja ( worship ) at home by a pujari ( priest ) as an astrological remedy.
The person contacts a pujari and arrange a puja at his home. The pujari who came to do puja had a big fight with his spouse at home before coming for puja and was mentally disturbed.
The pujari who goes for puja the next day to another customer’s house has thoughts of his loan payment as he was not earning enough to repay it in time.
Here the person who was asked to do puja astrological remedies is depended on the pujari as he knows the procedure / customs of puja. Now when the pujari himself is not mentally connected with whole concentration in his work ( puja ) then how can he do good puja and how can the person get the blessings as remedies asked by an astrologer.
From person’s point of view, he did get the puja done by a pujari, BUT if the pujari did not do full justification with his puja then how can a person get the benefit of it.
I understand things becoming more paradoxical to readers and will now start realizing it and will also generate many questions to understand the fact more clearly.
In another type of example :?A person wear a costly gemstone ring as an astrological remedy asked by an astrologer. Since the person has bought very costly gemstone and spend a huge amount so he expect the manifestation to happen automatically and he does nothing, as he has INVESTED son much money in BUYING the remedy.
Can a very costly car drive to its destination alone without a driver ( please don’t say about Tesla car ha ha ha ). Same with the gemstone ring also, one need to do karma also( driving car like ).
There are many examples of such types but generally people overlook it and feels that what he / she is doing is perfect and there is nothing wrong in it and so the remedy will manifest as per their actions.