Why Does Generation V's Preparation Fall to Certain People & Organizations?

Why Does Generation V's Preparation Fall to Certain People & Organizations?

As discussed in previous articles, several groups of people can help Generation Virtual prepare for their transition into the workforce, including parents, teachers, future employers, mentors, tutors, and the members of Generation Virtual themselves. Why are these people so valuable? Why does Generation Virtual’s preparation fall to these groups? And how will choosing the right help affect how well Generation V reaches its full potential??

Each group has something to offer, and exploring those offerings can help Generation V talk in the right way to the right people who can and want to help with the right things. As Generation V learns to work within the current system while also working to change that system, external support will be precious.

Cooperation and collaboration with teachers, organizations, and parents form a collective intelligence to help Generation V reach its potential and be ready for the workforce. As society moves toward more interconnected intellectual growth and value, it is only logical the same would help teach members of Generation V to interact with one another and the working world.

The parents of Generation V are essential because they are often the first respected authority figures when someone is growing up. In other words, kids listen to their parents, and they look up to them in many cases. Parents can help shape their children, get them ready for the workforce, and instill the value of hard work, in-demand jobs, and other ideas into the minds of their children. Parents can also help Generation V by ensuring they get a good education, in a skill or trade area that will be in demand—not something "common" that may lose its relevance as times change. Many jobs in the past relied on people who performed various levels of manual labor. Now, many of those jobs are being taken over by robots, AI, and automation, these kinds of fields will not provide a long-term path for career success. Training for a job that will be phased out and obsolete in just a few short years is not the way Generation V would want to start their working lives. Additionally, it could lead to a massive influx of people who only work for a few years and then have to train again—or end up unemployed.?

Any teacher who has been paying attention will quickly see many jobs are in demand and will continue to be needed. Educating Generation V for those jobs will ensure they can compete in the workplace, as well as giving them something to build on for the generations that will follow them. While a good teacher can be a fantastic resource, more formal and traditional educational constructs continue to be reduced or eliminated as society and technology change. As a result of adjustments in those areas, it is possible "teachers" could include people who are not educators in the typical sense of the word—teachers can also be anyone who can show Generation V things that may be meaningful or useful to their intended work. In most cases, usefulness will be determined as improving work that betters society as a whole.

Generation V can also work with future employers to gain experience that can help them see what they will honestly be expected to do as part of the workforce. Time moves on, and technology changes things, of course, but Generation Virtual will likely start in the workforce in 2025 doing similar things to what is done right now. Then those activities will develop and change rapidly as time moves along. Many employers of today will still be the employers of 2025. While there will be changes between now and then, the most substantial changes are going to take place after that year. The disruption wave of technology will be the catalyst for changes that will begin to move more rapidly than most people expect or understand. But the jobs that are available today and involve technology will still be the jobs available then—just in slightly different forms.??

Mentors for the Virtual Generation can come from several different sources, but will most likely be individuals currently in the workforce. While they might not be entirely satisfied with how everything will change in the future, they are aware of what is taking place today (Coolidge, 1994). They can extrapolate upon their knowledge to identify the kinds of jobs that will continue to be in demand, which will allow them to counsel members of Generation Virtual in choosing a career path needed in the future.?

With the option for online tutors and other helpers, Generation Virtual has even more available resources to explore for help, support, guidance, and inspiration. They can learn from others in their age group as well as getting online professional advice from those in previous generations on various concerns. The landscape of employment—particularly, how workers and companies interact—is changing. By getting additional support online, Generation Virtual can build a network of people to whom they can reach out. Such interaction can happen while they are choosing a career path or developing their working identity. Then it can continue to improve while Generation Virtual is in the workforce because rapid technological changes will still affect everyone during that time.

Generation Virtual must understand they will have to help themselves to a certain extent because they are the only ones who know what they need. They can talk to everyone they know about career advice and working world conditions. They can study the trends and look carefully at jobs being phased out versus the up-and-coming ones. While certain people and organizations are positioned to be very valuable to them, at the end of the day, the members of Generation Virtual are also individuals who must choose their paths.


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