Why Does a Gamer Play the Same Video Game Over and Over?
Elaine Uskoski
Author, Speaker, Coach for Video Gaming Addiction INTENTA Canada Clinical Partnership Specialist
In my work with Gaming Addiction, I often hear parents struggling to understand how their child can continue to play video games in a repetitive manner and not ever get tired of the game.?
It seems ridiculous that they spend hours upon hours sitting in front of a screen, talking with online friends, and challenging themselves to win the battle or survive in a virtual world set out to beat them.
Outside of the fact that video games today are fully immersive, incredibly colourful and lifelike, and are highly social, what else is it that keeps a player to play seemingly non-stop? How are the game developers keeping up their consumer’s interest?
When we are not very good at an activity or skill and it seems impossible to achieve a high level, we can choose to avoid it or we can attempt it, practice often and with determination, and we can eventually master this skill.?
I have done this myself. I grew up slight in size, weak in muscular strength, believing I didn’t have a natural, athletic bone in my body. I was always that last student selected on a team in gym class. In my mid thirties I joined a gym and began a work-out routine that eventually gave me the confidence to give sports another chance. At age thirty-nine I bought a tennis racquet, I found a coach, and I began taking lessons. Of course, I was terrible, at first, and it was difficult to find my rhythm and timing on the court. But I stuck with it, I continued with years of lessons, I played with others, and eventually joined a team.
Now, I am no Wimbledon champ, but I love playing and continue to do so, into my early sixties. My brain told me to keep trying, that I would eventually succeed.?
So, I did.?
And I never tire of playing tennis or thinking about the next opportunity I can play.
Can you think of a time where you might have had a similar experience?
The same happens with playing video games. Gaming provides one the ability to take action and helps one to achieve a goal. And even if it’s difficult at first, when one stays with it and begins to get better, while gaining new skills, their brain learns that they have a good, long history of improving, so it wants them to keep trying. And eventually they get this euphoric high for their accomplishment. It feels empowering and satisfying!?
Just like tennis did and still does for me.
A good video game design is meant to have a player gain skills and eventually win. It teaches determination and tenacity, problem-solving, building support networks, teamwork and bonding.?
These abilities can then transfer to life outside of video games.
What’s important, in order to prevent a love of something to then become an addiction, is to make sure a healthy life balance is in place, and that enjoying something one loves and enjoys immensely isn’t a replacement for meeting other emotional needs.
Let’s look at the emotional needs met by gaming, and consider ways that these needs can be met to either prevent addiction from occurring, or to redirect a compulsive gamer to other areas of interest.
Are you, the gamer getting feedback for your good behaviour at work, home, school, or in your social circles?
Are there other activities that can provide this same instant fulfillment?
What other areas can this be achieved? (martial arts, sports leagues, dancing, art, music lessons)
Where else do feel you could excel in your life?
How and where can you find friends with common interests outside of gaming?
Are you aware of any emotional issues you are struggling with? Are others listening? Are they understanding your pain and offering support?
How can you reframe your thinking to see that failure can be a gift??
For those who are using gaming as a source of learning and recreation, who are regulating their time spent playing and have the ability to take action, purely to achieve a goal and improve skills, they can benefit greatly from interacting with video games. They see gaming as “real” and understand how this can help them in their life.?
Those who turn to video gaming as escapism, as a way of ignoring personal problems, to push down negative self-talk and emotions, who have no other activities that give them a sense of achievement, who are bullied and looking for meaningful connection are at high risk of becoming compulsive and addicted. They bring an entirely different mindset to the activity of gaming. They are looking to have all of their emotional needs met by playing hours and hours of a game they love.
So, the question to ask yourself, what are you hungering for in your gaming obsession that is not being met elsewhere in your life??