Girish Kashwani
India's 1st Experiential Sales Coach | Founder of PKC | Democratizing Business Management Education | Alternative to Traditional MBA | Alternative to Diploma in Retail
So, as the first step, whether you are studying or already in a job, running! for a career, or running! your business, remember that the key to becoming ahead of the crowd is learning the art of asking questions inside -and outside, no matter how foolish you may look or sound. Remember, it is the question of your life! Listen to your heart. If you contemplate it, this one sentence alone will tell you that you have found the secret of becoming the extraordinary millennial of the 21st century.
So, here I give you the most powerful and most straightforward of all techniques; today, you must ask yourself about the "purpose" you are spending your precious, the most productive lifetime in school or college, and if you can do this simple technique, remember you have taken the first step towards becoming a 21st-century legendary professional, how? I will share the execution in due course, during the sessions.
For the community, if you have understood the secret already, you must celebrate; you have the golden secret and the power to transform. The beauty of this technique is that purpose is not the focus; quality of the question is the focus; remember, quality matters!
?I ask this one simple question to yourself: try finding an answer. You will not get it; it is the first time! You must explore, discover, discuss, and then arrive at your conclusion based on your own experience.
Yes, there is a technique you can get by yourself. No one is needed, but that would be too much, to begin with, so I suggest each child aged fifteen years and above goes to school and college; ask and settle with this question: Ask unless you get satisfied! Ask today and feel the thunders! If no one can satisfy you, no worries! Listen to your heart; it says I am with you always, "the heart knows".
The calamity is that the entire education system is against questioning, against enquiring! Macauley devised this education system so cunningly that the power to question gets suppressed slowly, and by the time a child becomes a man or a woman, they become perfect enslaved people with no power to examine, no power to challenge. The root of being human; an individual gets cut. Can you see the most profound harm the British did to us for enslaving us?
?Here let me share with you a secret: the entire education of our country when we were the global superpower, in those times the fundamentals of the education system were based upon "enquiring," asking, about "the purpose of life". Remember, I have just told you to ask only about the purpose of going to school and college, the very basics.
It would be impossible to name the kind of advancement our civilization has had, the sort of warriors, the kind of artists, musicians, scientists, spiritual masters, kings and queens, princes and princesses, businessmen and women, the wealth we have had, that is why our country was called the "Golden bird. "So, if the statement that our education shapes us, in other words, we are, what we taught, is proof that we were; the golden bird because of our education, and the golden secret was to ask, to enquire, to question! The end was finding yourself, and your purpose, you become the Master Of Yourself!
?And let me tell you, unless you know your purpose, all so-called success is just an illusion. It feels like it is, but it remains to be living in tomorrow. Tomorrow does not exist; And this is the disaster education has done to humans, teaching us to live tomorrow and tomorrow never comes, that is why I say, “KISS LIFE “yesterday, today, tomorrow, and always.
That is why I love the way lord buddha used to tell his students when they used to ask who they were! And their purpose of being human. Lord Buddha used to reply YOU ARE THAT – Tatvamasi - Come. Sit. Watch and realize. For some, it takes a moment, hours, days, weeks, months, and years and whoever realizes, that education is over, goes to the world, spreads the magical fragrance of their being, and succeeds for eternity. May you become “THAT, that is my intention for you and the world.
To be continued….
?Excerpts are from one of my “God Of Sales” sessions. If you are keen to become “THAT,” the eternally successful human being, the extraordinary, please write to [email protected], and you will get a call!
#21stcenturyeducation #21stcenturymillenials #GENZ #EXPERIENCE ECONOMY #LEADERSHIP
Article by Girish Kashwani. ?