I was puzzled as to why Clare Daly would delete and not post my comments to her on Facebook. I commented about it to some friends. One replied, ‘well what you said in your book about her, and Mick was hardly complementary’. Astounded, I replied, that was miniscule and fair comment, could she be so small minded? I reprint my comments below.



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No journalist or Politician in Ireland will expose the cover up at Belfast Docks or the collaboration by the government, the Wealthy, and the Unions, for fear of bringing retribution upon their own heads. I have also mentioned two ex TD’s Mick Wallace and Clare Daly who are now MEP’s, to whom I have on several occasions, emailed the information and proof of all I maintain. Even now, they ignore this fact. Why? Have they not got the courage of their convictions? As champions of the Left they’d cement their reputations if they exposed the Belfast Docks scandal in the European Parliament.

They could start the ball rolling by exposing the so-called Left in SIPTU - which isn’t ‘Left’ any-more but the ‘Right’ in disguise - albeit, still the largest trade union in Ireland. This is because the membership is being fooled. To Mick and Clare, I say this: A CORRUPT TRADE UNION IS NOT BETTER THAN ANY TRADE UNION.

If these Irish European MEP’s can expose other corruptions in the North of Ireland, why will they not expose the cover up of the Belfast Docks scandal?? If Mick and Clare exposed this scandal in Europe - it would pave the way for TD’s in Ireland to take action. The Oireachtas could have a ‘special sitting’ to debate on the ‘Amalgamation of Corruption’ that took place between the Union and Employers at Belfast Docks. This would guarantee Clare and MIck’s place in History - by showing - that while they are of the ‘Left’ they will expose corruption from whichever quarter it comes.

The undeniable documentary proof of the Union and Employers Court is on the web at - www.siptupresidentjackoconnorexposed.com If Mick and Clare and the many TD’s to whom I’ve written are still in doubt, they should watch the Docks Video I mentioned earlier - and have their eyes opened.

Surely the Wealthy in Europe are not stopping ‘Mick and Clare from exposing the facts and the Truth - about what the right-wing monolith named SIPTU has become. While Dockers at Belfast Docks no longer exist the corruption that led to their demise has continued until the present-day. This is just part and parcel of the sanctimonious control of Society by the Wealthy - which most TD’s accept as normal. Why will the ‘so-called’ free press, led by Fintan O’Toole and the Irish Times not print these facts? This is an affront to Journalists the world over. O’Toole’s life nor those of the ‘silent media’ are in danger - so, by remaining silent they insult the genuine journalists who put their lives on the line every day to report True Stories.

Irish journalists gleefully hide behind the Defamation Act as justification for not being a ‘free press’. Even the most junior student of journalism - whom Geraldine Kennedy is ‘brain-washing’ - in the University of Limerick, must be told - and taught - that the ‘truth’ is not defamatory. Because of her past behaviour in covering up for SIPTU, this establishment hypocrite should not be teaching journalism. Instead, she should be called to account for her cover up - and for the mocking of Democracy.

Even the most cursory examination of the facts and documentation from the Union and Employers Court - which named itself “The Joint Disciplinary Committee” proves their collaboration and Geraldine Kennedy’s corruption. And… for the ‘slow’ well-paid Journalists – Joint – means the Union and Employers working together.

To genuine Investigative Journalists this documentation would be ‘mana from heaven’ and have them chomping at the bit to report on this story and expose the Wealthy and SIPTU. So the question must be asked: why are O’Toole and the Irish Times [not] leading all other newspapers In covering this story? I can’t believe that they simply are feathering their own nest by censoring the Truth. To behave in such a frightened and cowardly manner, they must have been Leaned on and threatened in a most diabolical fashion by the Wealthy. As an old Docker used to say, “This scandal is crying out to Heaven for vengeance”.

O’Toole has shown that he’s not afraid of the US Government so what is he afraid of in Ireland. Someone must ask him this question. Setting aside heaven and vengeance, the fact that three presidents of Ireland, including the current one, Michael ‘D’ - refused to help the ex-Belfast Dockers, “Irish Citizens”. Many of whom are now suffering from Asbestosis - ‘or’ to bring to the attention of the High Court a very important Point of Law. Which is: In the 60’s and 70’s - how could a Trade Union, especially one with the antecedence of SIPTU, form a Union and Employers Court and sack Union Members?

The main sacking offence was - to refuse to discharge Asbestos without protection.

While Ireland is obviously a Dictatorship that’s controlled by the Wealthy and the Secretary Generals, it won’t sit well with Journalists I’ve mentioned - who don’t wish it to be known… that they’ve either been blackmailed or willingly censored. How can Fintan O’Toole or any Journalist, knowing the truth - not feel duty bound to write about it?? That aside, however - they are not alone in covering up this shocking fact and denial of human rights.


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