Why Does Arctic Ice Extent Decrease?
Photo: Anne-Maria Yritys. All rights reserved.

Why Does Arctic Ice Extent Decrease?

Glaciers are melting, ice and snow sheets are melting, and the Arctic sea ice is melting at a rapid rate, so fast that it is estimated to disappear completely during summer months within only a few years, or by 2040. Why is this happening? According to some researchers and scientists, the Earth′s weather is being changed and manipulated on purpose through geoengineering. (GeoEngineering Watch). GeoEngineering Watch reports that for example chemical ice nucleation is an important tool for geoengineers, with geoengineered snow storms being created by experimenting human beings (geoengineers). 

Whether caused by geoengineering human beings or not, it is a fact that glaciers, ice sheets, and Arctic sea ice are melting rapidly, affecting not only the climate in the large Arctic region, but all over our planet. When the ice and snow covers disappear in the Arctic, it causes permafrost to thaw and climate change accelerating faster than ever.

This is caused by the albedo effect, whereby the black ocean/sea surface absorbs increasingly much of the sun rays′ heat, unable to reflect as much of its energy and heat back into the atmosphere in comparison with thick ice and snow covered surfaces. This constantly warming climate in the Arctic region thus accelerates and accelerates, causing even more of the ice and snow covers to melt, warming the region and the whole world to an extent that has never earlier been seen in history. And, this is all anthropogenic, i.e. caused by us human beings.

How much worse is this made by and through geoengineering? This is a topic not yet much discussed. What is discussed openly today is the anthropogenic climate change caused by e.g. the release of greenhouse gases and other toxins into Earth′s atmosphere, including CO2. When climate change continues and intensifies in the Arctic region, it also causes more and more carbon dioxide and methane being released into our global atmosphere, the consequences of which lead to the greenhouse effect on our planet to become even worse. 

Learn more about the Arctic sea ice decrease by watching NASA Goddard′s video "Older Arctic Sea Ice Disappearing": 

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