Doctors take cancer seriously when it strikes home and it is not the routine used on patients. I regularly get calls from doctors saying they have cancer usually of the prostate and asking what to do. Since I could go to jail for answering that question not being an MD., I just direct them to information which they can find on the internet (Cancer has been curable for over 100 years).
After directing them they will cure their cancer. A few do not stop there they go to the research I gave them and find more than one clinic in the US that is using a method which is on the net. In fact is cancer is easy to cure, but some people think there are too many people on the earth and a few million less will make it tolerable. The MD's will never tell the other patients. It is interesting because while I have tried for eleven years to fund one little clinic that can cure cancer outside the US for 10,000 people a year there has not been a rush to my door with the funds needed and that includes all the billionaires I put in my video showing that the billionaires could not only cure cancer with their funds but they could make a boat load of money.I will post the 10 year projections. Still there is more.Doctors kill a lot of people they are the third cause of death in the country after cancer. They are subject to litigation frequently. There is a legal standard that in my opinion should be abolished and that is the standard of care. An example is Chemotherapy a real killer, but if a doctor deviates from the standard of care he will be sued. I have provided Doctor's with asset protection trust. You can see that on Youtube the title is I am worth millions but you cannot collect a dime. Many doctors are placing their assets with their wives. I advise against that as marriages fail and instead of paying of the law suit the x wife walks away with all the assets.
A poll was taken of doctors which ask if you had cancer would you use chemo. All said no until the poll was published. Then most of them changed their vote.they also did not want to take money away from the oncologist as they get paid directly for prescribing chemo. None of the standard of care methods should be used in my opinion. I have wanted to file a class action against Chemo for sometime but it can take more than just one person. What has been interesting that over the 100 years the internet has be come a place to save lives and educate the public to alternative methods. In fact there is no excuse other than greed that there is any disease in the country. Over 1000 years ago we were told that let food be your medicine. Someone should have listened.