Why do you need to unlearn?
Arda Kukul
General Manager at ARKLON Corporation, Executive Chairman at Foundation ON: Providing personal tutoring and consultancy in Turkish, English and Russian for students and parents on performance, planning & time management.
All of our education has always been indicating the importance of learning and accumulating knowledge. In this process, all of us have absorbed a big chunk of information that does not consist of any valuable piece of knowledge. In other words, we accumulated information that we need to unlearn. We need to have information cleaning.
How to do that?
According to my understanding, stop asking “How to”s. They do not work. Eliminate all “how to”s in your life. You have your own responsibility to open your paths in front of you. Roads are opened by walking with a courageous heart and a curious mind. All the moments you keep asking “How to do this”, “How to do that” are becoming a waste of time. You can take advice, you can analyze, you can read, experience and learn; but you cannot use “How to”s to achieve what you want.
Why not?
Because society enforces the idea that in order to be successful in any given domain, one needs to seek “How to”s. Society wants medication. “How to”s are medications for the mediocre minds. They are extremely popular. They are perfect for clickbaits. They are everywhere. That is why they do not work.
Anything that is available for the whole public affects your uniqueness in a negative way. If you want to be exceptional in any area, and if you continue to seek “How to”s and public information that is available for anyone, how can you feed your uniqueness??
In order to locate yourself in an exceptional position, stop asking “How to”s. Asking “How to”s is a learned behavior. We were taught that it is how it should be. It is how life works. You learn “how to”s when you are young, you teach “how to”s when you are old.
It is simply not right.
It is not.
No one really knows how to achieve the place you want to achieve.
No one.
You also do not know.
But it is your responsibility to figure it out.
And if you want to teach how you did it after finally doing it,
It is your responsibility not to teach through “do this” and “do that”.
The only way to teach is to let the student figure it out itself.
The greatest teacher is the one that does not teach.
It is the one who encourages the student to unlearn societal pressures.
Who leads, and then who steps aside to let the student walk on his own.
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