Why do you need a task manager? - Part 1
Contents in this part 1
- On the borders of philosophy
- Tasks - A little description
- Characteristics of a good task
On the borders of philosophy
Before we get into the details of the task manager, a philosophical point to ponder upon. I wouldn't bother with deep questions like what is the purpose of your life. But, a key question is, what are your dreams? Be it short term, be it long term. What are they? Have you written them down?
If you have written them down, have you thought what needs to be done when so that these dreams are achieved? Have you put a date to them? These are your goals. Basically, goals are measurable items with a specific date.
Now the final question, to achieve these goals, what all should be done? These are your tasks.
Basically, to achieve dreams, one needs to perform tasks.
Tasks - A little description
Before we go noting down all our tasks, the good practice is to know why a task needs to be performed. This is why the writing down of dreams is very important. The agenda behind performing any task should be a connected dream.
A simple example
Dream - I want to be rich. Goal - I want a crore of rupees in my bank account before December 31st 2025. Task 1- Incorporate the company and set the vision and mission - April 1st 2020.
Basically, what I am saying is tasks are things that you do or need to do to achieve a goal. You will agree with me when I say that performing the tasks is what will one day lead to achievement of a goal and in turn realisation of the dream.
Characteristics of a good task
I think, every task that we have in our sight should have the following characteristics. Only then can they be identified as good tasks
- WHAT IS TO BE DONE is the question that should be answered when a reader reads the description of the task. Tasks should be clearly written so that the writer is able to fully comprehend the task in its depth and width when he reads the task whenever, even may be years later.
- Task is something to be performed. It is not a goal. This difference should be completely and fully understood. Let me use this example - "Lose 3 kgs body weight" is not task, but a goal. "Take membership in the local gym" is a task. The difference is that, in the first sentence, it is not clear what is to be done. For every task, WHAT IS TO BE DONE is the question that is to be answered.
- Every task should have a date to be acted upon. If there are tasks that will have to be performed over many days, then these tasks are better known as PROJECTS. In which case, they should have sub tasks. Conclusion is this - task is an item that has to be performed over a single day.
Contents in part 2
- Why do you need a task manager?
- What is a task manager?
- The importance of reminders
- Calendar integration