Why, DO YOU NEED TO reskill and upskill?

Why, DO YOU NEED TO reskill and upskill?

You’re thinking about making a career change or finally thinking of your Dream Career or that big job jump.

Your first instinct might be to get a resume. And my question is “a resume for what?”

Some of us go through our entire careers in autopilot. I'm talking about myself included. We take jobs because we were offered, promoted, or someone else said we should take them. And, then one morning we wake up realizing we are in a work situation we weren’t enjoying and wondering how we got there.

Sometimes we were asked to leave or our salaries reduced and had never thought we would need a Plan B. 

More than 4Million people have quit their jobs since August 2021, me included.

The Great Resignation is the result, of an average of more than 3.9 million workers quit their jobs each month since November 2021, this means 2021 will hold the highest average on record, topping the 2019 average of 3.5 million.

The Indian IT industry saw a 52 percent rise in the hiring of skilled professionals, a fact that is indicative of accelerated job switches and the need for skilled workforce across the subcontinent,

According to the recently released Skillsoft IT Skills and Salary report, 59% of respondents who switched jobs in the past year cited a lack of growth and development opportunities as their primary reason for doing so, taking precedence over better compensation and work/life balance.

Skills gap continues to be the primary challenge every organization across industries is facing, which is why, YOU NEED TO reskill and upskill. But I think it's secondary though.

The primary challenge is the question everyone started asking themselves;

What was all this for?

What is my purpose in life?

Why should I invest my life, my time, my energy on an organisation that does not pay it forward, pay me on time during a pandemic and can kick me out at anytime?

Why is our performance during the good days not counted as the foundation of our relationship with our organisations and our value diminished, our salaries cut in half during the pandemic?

This is the need of the hour. These questions will haunt you if you let them eat you up. It will diminish your light from within.

For the month of December '21, India's unemployment rate stood at 7.9%, up from 7% in November '21. Urban unemployment now stands at 9.3% as economic activity faces new hurdles due to the Omicron-induced third wave of the pandemic. 

In the GCC in 2022, with a huge 56 per cent of professionals stating that they intend to change their jobs in the next 12 months. ( As per Khaleej Times)

According to Limeade’s report, 40% of employees cited burnout as a top reason for leaving their job. Burnout appeared to be a particular problem for those working in healthcare and foodservice/ hospitality. 54% of healthcare workers and 52% of foodservice/ hospitality workers said that burnout was their key motivation for leaving their previous roles.

Burnout was recognized by the World Health Organisation (WHO) as an “occupational phenomenon” in 2019. Mental Health UK defines burnout as “a state of physical and emotional exhaustion”, that occurs when a person experiences long-term stress in a job, or when a person has worked in a physically or emotionally draining role for a long period. 

A recent survey revealed that the majority – 58 per cent – of UAE organisations offer remote working as compared to 35 per cent in Saudi Arabia.

Another study by recruitment and HR consultancy Cooper Fitch revealed that 41 per cent of UAE firms increased salaries in 2021 up to 10 per cent. In 2022, 43 per cent of businesses will be increasing salaries up to 10 per cent and in the last 18 months, there is a significant increase in the number of jobs in e-commerce and IT sectors driven directly by the pandemic and its digital revolution that followed.

As the economy continues to recover and tourist and visitors return to the UAE, the hospitality, F&B and retail sectors have seen an increase in the number of jobs available,”


The job market is bad
It's covid companies are not hiring
There are no vacancies in the market
People are getting laid off

Now if what the survey says above is true, a part of what you are saying is true (the part of people getting laid off) but that does not mean the rest are true.

What you choose to believe and is the outcome you will eventually get. Meaning if you say "the market is bad", you are never going to keep your eyes peeled out for that great job opportunity or plan the Dream Career you've always wanted.


Many of us were never taught how to unlock our true career potential. That means, millions of individuals who quit their jobs since August won’t find what they are looking for, until they realize what they truly want. I found what I was looking for, have you?

Identify your PURPOSE & PASSION and you can find a Career that truly satisfies you.

Make sure you act with INTENTIONALITY.

Intentionality means n. a characteristic of an individual’s actions, that requires the individual (a) to have goals, desires, and standards; (b) to select behaviors that are in the service of attaining the goal c) to call into conscious awareness a desired future state

The SOLUTION is for you, to help yourself, understand your unique combination of needs, wants and skill sets so you can find work that satisfies you.

Evaluate on the below!

Get clear on the most important areas in your life

  1. Purpose - Discover your true purpose in life
  2. Passions - Identify what you are really passionate about
  3. Potential - Make a list of everything you have accomplished till date
  4. Presence - Understand your influence and how you have impacted people around you
  5. Plan - Building a healthy self-perception
  6. Process - Inculcate a series of actions or steps taken in order to achieve your desired future state.

In addition to the above

  • Think beyond the limitations or the conditions in your environment
  • Remember Your thoughts have an effect on your brain, your body and your life.
  • Shift habits, perceptions, and ingrained unconscious programming ( stop the voices that say, "You are not good enough", "You can't do this" etc etc
  • Change your thoughts and feelings to think beyond limitations set in you since your childhood and adulthood.
True behavior change is identity change. Anyone can convince themselves to visit the gym or eat healthy once or twice, but if you don’t shift the belief behind the behavior, then it is hard to stick with long-term changes. Improvements are only temporary until they become part of who you are. Every action you take is a vote for the type of person you wish to become - James Clear

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(This article was originally published on Dream Career Hub)

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About me ?? ??

Fatima Williams is a Purpose-Driven Career Strategist, a Career Coach and a Recruitment Operations Manager. She has worked as a Senior Global Human Resources Lead to provide steady Leadership & Top Talent for corporations located within challenging regions in the Middle East & India. Her expertise in global recruitment has helped source world-class talent to grow businesses, and the knowledge-based development programs she innovates develops the competence of that talent. She brings the human touch to the learning process. Her passion is to help create a purpose-driven world around her. 

Here's some Free Resources for those planning your Dream Career or even just thinking about it.

Free Resume Guide Template

REGISTER FOR MY GET HIRED in 30- 60- 90-days Masterclass/ Webinar here  

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Get to know me on Instagram here: www.instagram.com/dreamcareercoach

Finally, if you are a Career Professional planning to transition your Current job, trying to find a new job or want to plan your Dream Career book a 121 free Career Clarity Session here


