Why do you need a company operating system?
Why do you need a Company Operating System

Why do you need a company operating system?

Want your business to ‘just work’, with or without you? It’s all about getting the right operating system. Here’s how to do it. 

We live in a world where the best things ‘just work’ without us having to do anything. A Tesla autonomous vehicle can get you from A to B without you needing to drive it. For decades now, the Docklands Light Railway has been able to take you from Bank to Stratford without a driver. Netflix always seems to know what film you want to watch next. 

What about your company? Does that run like a Tesla, the DLR or Netflix? If it doesn’t, it’s probably because you’re missing something that all those entities possess; a well-defined and smoothly-functioning operating system that keeps your ‘car on the road’ or your ‘train on the tracks’. 

Don’t panic though. There’s a tried-and-tested operating system out there that is proven to work for thousands of companies across the world. Let’s find out more. 

What is an Company Operating System? 

Think of what the operating system does on your computer or your phone. It holds everything together, interacting with other pieces of software or hardware in specific, predefined ways, so you as the user can achieve what you want. 

The same is true in business. Your business’ operating system is a set of rules that hold it all together. Those systems concern areas such as: 

  • Vision – the overarching plan for your business and how you are going to achieve it 
  • People – having the right people in the right seats 
  • Data – running your business on metrics rather than guesswork and emotion 
  • Issues – the ability to detect then solve problems in your business 
  • Process – consistency in the way you do things 
  • Traction – execution with discipline and accountability 

Like the operating system of your computer, when you bring all these together, you have a smoothly-running business with a high chance of achieving success. 

When you need a Company Operating System? 

Ideally, you need to start work on your operating system from day one. However, there’s never been a better time to start than today. This is particularly true if you find yourself worrying about your business and how it is affecting you. If you feel that: 

  • You’re giving all your time and energy to your business, but not seeing the rewards 
  • Everyone and everything depends on you, that the company would explode if you ever took a holiday 
  • You’re not growing fast enough, or making significant enough profits 

you need to get an operating system into your business, fast. 

How to implement a Company Operating System for your business. 

You could come up with your own company operating system for your business. Perhaps you could pick out the best bits of other systems that are out there. However, these take time and who knows if they will work? 

The smartest companies use an operating system that has worked for thousands of entrepreneurs and businesses all over the world, one that has delivered outcomes that they never thought possible. Introducing the Entrepreneurial Operating System, or EOS. 

The EOS operating system covers all the areas I talked about earlier. EOS helps leaders and their teams define their vision; then it helps you go about achieving it. EOS provides a mechanism to make sure everyone in your business buys into your vision and plan. It helps you put the right people in the right seats, with clear rules of accountability. Finally, as you execute, it enables you to make sure everyone follows the processes you have laid down to achieve success. 

Your next steps 

If you think EOS could be the right company operating system to get your business where you want it to be, so it ‘just works’ whether you’re in the office or not, it’s time to take your next steps. 

First of all, download a free chapter of What The Heck Is EOS? – an easy-to-read introduction to EOS. 

Next, let’s get together. 

To find out more about EOS, please contact me to schedule a free 90-Minute Meeting with your leadership team. If this seems premature – we get it. We’re entrepreneurs too. 

Please know, this is NOT a high-pressure sales pitch. It’s just the simplest, best way for you and your team to connect with an EOS Implementer for a detailed overview of the system, the tools and the process. 

There’s no charge for this meeting and no obligation. It’s a valuable learning event that will answer all your questions and fully equip you and your team to decide how best to move forward with EOS (or not). 

Contact here for further details.


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