Why do you let her Hurt you?
Yashraj Singh
Digital Marketing | Content Writer | Meme Writer | Customer Service Agent |
Because she makes everything easier, because we just fit together, with her, I feel a little less lonely. I didn’t have a choice but to be in love with her- it just happened, maybe it was her witty remarks or her beautiful eyes that looked at the world curiously
But I don’t tell me she doesn’t deserve my love just because she never looked at me with love, held my hand with gentleness, or stole a glance when I looked away, love cannot be forced, I am a friend, and that’s all.
Words like ‘entitlement’ and ‘deserve’ don’t sit well with love, but I know I deserve to be loved in return, especially when I was to believe that she and I were real
She tells me about the boys she has kissed. From the color of their hair to their names, I remember it all. She tells me because I am her friend, even though she knows am in love with her, and all of it hurts. What’s worse is that she remembers all these boys- but not us.
It’s a horrible thing to lie to someone about being in love just to get them to confess their love, she did that. She lied to me about being in love just to get me to confess my true feelings, I remember that loud laugh that she gave when I told her how much I am in love with her. It was humiliating even If she didn’t intend it that way. I deserved to be let down gently.
To be in love with someone who doesn’t love you in return is an awful feeling, you’re in the middle of nowhere with a bunch of their memories
I know this sounds stupid, but I’d let her break my hear all over again and really don’t know why.