Why do you have to lose all your money to a socialist government?

Why do you have to lose all your money to a socialist government?

It is a fact that America used to be the country where you could achieve anything by working hard for it. Now the people running the USSA have openly been:

·        making it illegal to work

·        pretending to solve the problem by printing play money; and

·        lending it to people who have no hope of ever paying it back.

Go figure

The Coronavirus Plandemic and its no. 1 side-effect – Covidiots – have demonstrated just how easy it is for the U.S. government to make autonomous decisions about your job; your business; your assets; and your right to free trade and free movement.

And if you’re like most people who’ve been relying on 401(k)s, IRAs, and safe stocks and bonds to create wealth and save for retirement, you’re in catastrophic trouble.

In the first six months of 2020, more than 5,800 Americans gave up their citizenship, citing they are “fed-up with everything, including taxes, the coronavirus regulations and political turmoil”.

So where are they going? And how are they doing it?

If you were an experienced location independent capitalist, you would have had your 3-step escape plan in place to shield you against the impact of the global coronavirus pandemic restrictions and economic collapse, including:

1. You would already have a second (or third) residency or passport right now, in a country that does not tax money earned outside the country or control actions.

2. Your business wouldn’t be incorporated, or based, where you live. Disappear in plain sight – legally. Stop doing business in your name. Set up companies, trusts, proxies. And that immediately puts you at arm's length from any liability that those assets might incur. Or if you incur personal liability, it separates those assets from yourself so they're not subject.

3. You would have invested in international real estate, precious metals and cryptocurrencies. And you would have an asset protection plan. Making money is one thing. Keeping it another. Wealthy people stay wealthy because they put things in place to make sure they stay wealthy.

Sound good?

The PT Theory (Post Tyranny. Privacy Tactician. And Previous Taxpayer) is a lifestyle concept for people who believe in freedom and autonomy from regulation and control by governments over your life, your money and your business. It's not a matter of evading taxes, not paying your tax obligations. It's simply a matter of positioning yourself so those obligations do not apply to you. And understanding the rules and the confines of the parameters.

If you’re reading this, you and your business are likely casualties of ruthless government control when it comes to tax laws – firstly, just because of where you happen to live and secondly, what the State expects you to contribute for the greater good of an equal society.

What is more important to you?

Your right to free trade, or your obligation to contribute to equal opportunity and outcome? As a taxpayer, haven’t you earned the right to choose where your money is spent?

If you’re ready to escape perpetual fiefdom, extortion and slavery and build a powerhouse of a business, hop on a strategy call with me at no cost and learn how to take back control of your life and your future by clicking HERE

Subscribing to my master class will also get you:

  • a complimentary copy of my latest best seller Startup Saboteurs 
  • access to the “ZShark Academy a private group on social media composed of hundreds of super successful private subscribers all eager to learn from the experience and apply the knowledge to their craft. After all, isn’t your network your net worth?

Would love to have you on board.... An experience you will tremendously cherish and benefit from.

Start living by your own rules or live with the consequences.

Yours in success,

Hey there! Your concern about financial impact is totally valid. Remember what Benjamin Franklin once said - A penny saved is a penny earned. ?? Let's strive for balance and wisdom in how we manage it all! ????



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