Why Do You Choose to Be Stupefied?
Jesse Lopez J.D.
Innovative CEO | Champion of Sustainable Food Practices | Visionary Leader at Seed to Stomach | Empowering Communities Through Gardening and Culinary Creativity
From the Genius to the Jester: How Humans Switched from Producers to Consumers
Do you know why you struggle? Because that was the plan for you.
They got you hooked. On drugs, sugar, TV, your phone, the news, the algorithm. It all came at you so fast, you never stopped to question it. You just consumed. And consumed. And consumed.
But here’s the truth: you don’t have to.
You don’t have to watch the news cycle designed to keep you afraid. You don’t have to scroll for hours consuming opinions that aren’t yours. You don’t have to argue online with people you’ll never meet. You don’t have to care about the things they tell you to care about.
But you do. And they win because of it.
You Are Their Revenue
Think about this: millions of people talked about the Kardashians at their peak. Millions are talking about the Super Bowl. Millions are gossiping about celebrities, influencers, athletes, politicians—but not one of those people gives a f*ck about you.
Not one of them even knows you exist.
Yet, you dedicate your time, your thoughts, your emotions to them. You feed the machine. You’ve been so brainwashed that you accept this. No, worse—you defend it.
Instead of questioning corporations, you fight your neighbor. Instead of seeing the system that enslaves you, you obsess over borders. Instead of building something real, you sit on the sidelines, entertained and docile.
You have become a nosy, gossiping fool. And you’re fine with it.
The People Telling You to Fight Each Other Are Profiting Off of You
The corporations pushing division—the ones keeping you angry at people who don’t look like you, pray like you, or think like you—are funded by the products we all buy.
No matter your skin color, gender, or religion, you still put money in the same pockets. You still eat the same poison.
Because underneath all the labels, all the differences, we are the same.
And yet, we let them convince us otherwise.
You Are Not Above the System—You Are the System
My favorite quote is this:
“We are the only animal pretending not to be an animal.”
Let that sink in.
We look down on nature, on instinct, on anything that reminds us we’re just another species. But the only real difference? We can overthink and we have opposable thumbs.
That’s it.
Yet, we act like we’re superior. Like we’re in control. But what kind of “superior” species lets itself be manipulated this easily?
A lion doesn’t get tricked into fighting another lion while the hunters take their land. A wolf doesn’t waste its life watching the lives of other wolves on a screen. No other animal pays to be enslaved.
But we do.
We don’t question why our food is poisoned. We don’t question why we work 40+ hours a week and still struggle. We don’t question why our lives feel empty, even when we have “everything” we were told to want.
We just keep playing the game, pretending we’re too smart to be fooled.
LBJ Knew the Playbook
Lyndon B. Johnson put it plainly:
“If you can convince the lowest white man he’s better than the best colored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket.”
This is the strategy. Distract people with superficial conflicts while the real rulers take everything from under their noses. It’s not just about race—it’s about anything that keeps people divided and blind.
LBJ also said:
“Power is where power goes.”
Meaning? Power doesn’t belong to the best, the smartest, or the most deserving—it belongs to those who take it. The ones who understand control.
Arnold Rothstein Understood Control
Arnold Rothstein didn’t play the game—he wrote the rules. He never wasted time chasing clout, money, or approval. He knew that real power isn’t about being famous, it’s about controlling what happens before anyone else even knows what’s coming.
“You can’t cheat an honest man.” – Arnold Rothstein
Translation? If you’re getting played, it’s because you let yourself be played.
You believed the lies. You bought into the distractions. You let them dictate what you care about.
You gave up your mind willingly.
Now That You Know, What Will You Do?
Sit with this for a second.
Think about everything they’ve prevented you from becoming. Think about how much power you’ve handed over without even realizing it. Think about the life you could be living right now if you had never been trapped by their distractions.
You did this to yourself. But here’s the good news—you can undo it.
Maybe it’s time to unplug. Maybe it’s time to think for yourself. Maybe it’s time to figure out who you really are, without their influence, without their marketing dollars shaping your identity.
Because if you don’t?
You’ll spend the rest of your life paying to be enslaved.