Why Do We Do What We Do?
Cherry Birch
Financial Training | Business Finance Training | Business Acumen | Financial Understanding | Financial Wellness
As some of you will have seen, we are on the look out for more facilitators to join our happy band! Whilst we are meeting some great people, and we hope many will join us, it has meant that we have had a number of conversations around what we do and what makes us different.
Yes, we deliver Financial Training – no surprise there! However, we are all about working with our corporate clients to improve the financial acumen skills of their managers - in a very practical and relevant way. Every program is developed for each client to meet their financial objectives, using their reports, their dashboards, their KPIs and their terminology. Of course, there are some great generic educational programs available but unless those programs can be applied by the participant, is that investment potentially wasted? We all know the saying – ‘Use it or Lose it!‘
One of the questions I try to ensure is answered by each key training message is ‘So What?’. Is this practical, what does it mean for the participant and importantly, can they go away and apply it?
With adult education and training, we only have one opportunity to get the message across – and that is when they are in our sessions. Let’s face it, most managers are time poor and they are unlikely to go away and read through lengthy workbooks or reference material – they are not studying for an exam! We need to engage them! We need to show them the WIIFMs. (‘What is in for me?’) That means the training needs to be practical and of benefit to them.
Finally, the training needs to not be boring – a challenge you might think when it comes to financial acumen! (BTW I won a new client years ago who found us by Googling “Finance Training boring!” – they did not have to include the ‘not’ in the search!) So, we try to entertain, make the sessions fun, have a laugh and, on Zoom, we run masses of anonymous polls and icebreakers exercises! A director, at the management development centre where I was trained in instructional design and facilitation, used to say “Leave them wanting more!” I think we do that!