Why do we suffer? Is there any way to overcome this day-to-day suffering?
Have you ever asked yourself these questions? Let me deconstruct this a little further. Suffering is essentially the emotional experience of pain, which can manifest as disappointment, frustration, suppressed anger, helplessness, and powerlessness. These emotions often stem from the past—specifically from our inner child. If you take the time to introspect deeply and ask yourself what is truly causing this pain, you might realize the answer is often: “Why is this happening to me?”
At surface level, it may seem as though the person in front of us or the situation is to blame for our suffering, and we may point fingers at them or at the outer world. However, the truth is that the answer to our suffering lies within us. This realization is the essence of personal growth—choosing to move beyond our misery and take responsibility for our inner healing.
When I went through repeated miscarriages, I blamed God, the hospitals, the doctors, and my fate for the pain I experienced. But there was one thing that kept me going: I never gave up. With sheer willpower and an unwavering attitude, I eventually gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, who is now six years old. She has been my main drive in my journey into conscious parenting. The struggles I faced in parenting pushed me to learn and grow, helping me move beyond my problems. I chose to outgrow my misery instead of staying stuck in it. It was a choice I made.
We all have problems that are tied to our belief systems, and these beliefs often carry painful emotions (this is where inner child healing comes into play). The problem arises when we repeatedly recall the same painful thoughts, which keeps us trapped in a cycle of misery. So, what’s the remedy? We can consciously rewire our brains and emotions. Yes, we can choose to see things from different perspectives, release emotional pain, heal, and build new belief systems. This is exactly what I did for myself, and it’s the work I do with my clients through Conscious Parenting Coaching.
My own learnings have come from facing challenges and my own misery. I’ve always made an effort to outgrow the problems rather than dwell in them. It was difficult at first, but over time, it became a habit.
Sometimes, all we need is a listening ear, a helping hand, and someone who understands and validates our emotions. That’s why I truly love my coaching sessions—where I get the opportunity to emotionally connect with my clients and ensure they feel seen, heard, and validated. Heart-to-heart conversations can work wonders.
If you have trustworthy friends or loved ones in your life, reach out to them. Open your heart, be vulnerable, and work together to find solutions. Just make sure these people are truly trustworthy and not those who might fuel your pain.
Take care of your mental and emotional well-being, and remember to spread love and kindness. The world needs more of it!