Why do we struggle to see value in coaching...

Why do we struggle to see value in coaching...

Many people find it difficult to see the benefits of hiring a coach, before they actually experience it.

We all have preconceived notions about what coaching is, or what a coach does, many of which are inaccurate or misleading.

It’s true the coaching industry is saturated, with coaches offering services for nearly every aspect of life.

Some trained and accredited, many not so.

This makes it easy for us lump them all together, or assume that coaching is only for those who are struggling.

Others may think a coach’s role is to give advice and tell you how to live your life.

I’ve even had people tell me they thought coaching was just “having a chat about things.”

These misconceptions are part of the reason people hesitate, procrastinate, or avoid committing to a coach.

A while back, I posed a question on social media:

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Unsurprisingly, most people chose the holiday.

And this is normal. We tend to choose what we know and believe will give us a quick fix.

A holiday is tangible—we can see it, experience it.

Coaching, on the other hand, feels less concrete.

So we shy away from it.

The same pattern shows up when we spend on cars, weekends away, or even on things like alcohol or drugs—temporary indulgences for longer-term issues.

In the short term, these feel good.

But investing in coaching offers a longer-term solution to deeper issues.

People often overlook, or are unaware, that the majority of top performers in business, entertainment, and other high-stakes fields hire coaches.

So why do they do this if coaching is only for people who are struggling?

The answer is simple: It isn’t.

Coaching is for people who want to become the best possible version of themselves.

Coaching helps us stay grounded in the present so we can enjoy life more.

It gives us the tools to work consciously on ourselves, resolve past traumas, and manage our anxieties.

It helps improve confidence, set healthy boundaries, and create balance in every area of life.

It gives us focus, direction, and a sense of purpose.

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After suffering extreme losses and incarceration, it took me years to rediscover who I was.

The coaching skills and techniques I learned during my training were instrumental in rebuilding my life at its very core.

Recently, one of my young clients sent me a heartfelt message that highlights the profound change coaching can inspire.

In just five months, he’s experienced massive internal growth, despite initial doubts from his family.

They, like many others, questioned the validity of coaching—believing it was unregulated or even a scam.

But after watching my appearance on The Motive podcast, he was determined to work with me.

He had worked with a therapist in the past and didn’t enjoy it, but something about coaching resonated with him.

When I start working with clients, I guarantee I will do everything in my power to help them achieve their goals.

In return, I ask for their full commitment.

This accountability, partnership, and challenge create the foundation for real transformation.

Change doesn’t happen overnight.

It takes time, often years.

But with my foundations programme, you can start building the structure for lasting change—just as my longest-standing client, Dai, has done over the three and a half years we’ve worked together.

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Because if the cost is still holding you back, perhaps you’re not.

Once you commit, the value of coaching will far outweigh the cost.

In fact, you’ll quickly realise that ?????? ???????? ???????? ???? ???????? ?????????????? ???????????????? ???? ????????.

So, are you ready?

Or do you need more time to question, overthink, and procrastinate from a place of fear, assumptions, and inaccurate beliefs?

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#lifecoach #changeyourlife #changeyourmindset #selfdevelopment #mindset #foundation #change

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1 个月

The evidence is in the letter. You do great work and change peoples lives , I highly recommend marc singer


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