Why Do We Say "No" & When to Say "Yes"
If you have been following me for some time now, you will see a trend. A trend where I am constantly giving insight while offering opportunities for you to invest in yourself and your business. If you randomly found this article on the internet, I challenge you to go back and read a few of my blogs before proceeding. For those of you who have been following along, you probably are guilty of skimming over the article, maybe pressing the “like” button (if I am lucky enough), and moving on with whatever you were doing. Why is it that an article that provides challenges and information is easy to overlook but Tik Tok keeps our attention for hours? Is it because articles like these tend to give us the hard truths or force us to take a look on the inside? Chances are yes. By avoiding the article, we avoid having to make a decision and subconsciously say “no.”
It is proven that we have a habit of saying, “no” and shutting out opportunities without giving them much thought. Chris Voss, a former chief hostage negotiator for the FBI and author of?Never Split The Difference, talks about the power of no. Saying no is a defense mechanism and allows the person to feel safe and protected if they start by saying no. Are you guilty of this? If so, what are you trying to protect yourself from? I challenge you to take the time and reflect on why you often turn down opportunities that spark your interest. Is it the financial commitment? Is it the fear of the unknown? Chances are if you could see a small flash of what your life would look like after investing in yourself, you would say “yes” before allowing the sentence to finish. Being omniscient, knowing everything, would be amazing. However, I can promise you success tastes so much sweeter when it is earned through overcoming obstacles, perseverance, and hard work.
Now, let’s say, you are ready to say “yes” to something but then have no idea what to actually say “yes” to. After all, if you Google “how to achieve success” or “ways to make more money” or anything else along those lines, you are sure to get millions of results — from books to events to even advertisements from local colleges about getting a certain degree that is guaranteed to make you “x” amount after graduation. Colleges aren’t the only ones that try to “guarantee” you something in return for your investment. That, however, is where I differ. I will never blindly sell you something and guarantee millions in return. It is not realistic…
The “get rich quick” mentality will not get you far — in fact, it is not much different from cheating on an exam but still hoping to be able to apply the knowledge like an expert.
You must invest in yourself — in your personal and professional development — to achieve success. Not just one investment or two, but committing to constantly being on a road to discovering the greatest version of you.
There is a reason you are reading this article. It is because YOU are capable of achieving more than you’ve probably ever imagined. I believe that wholeheartedly. That is why I am constantly trying to get you to say “yes!” and invest. I know it can be scary but I can promise you that I would not be where I am today if I lived in fear… As Tony Robbins once said, “If you want to achieve success, all you need to do is find a way to model those who have already succeeded!”
If you truly are ready to invest and find success, start with the book my wife, Samantha, and I wrote —?The Road to Success: How to Achieve Success in Business, Life, and Love.?The book is a great place to start because it allows you a personal and vulnerable look into my life, along with just a small portion of the obstacles faced as an entrepreneur. I believe so much in the power of reading the book, that I am giving it away for free — I just ask that you cover shipping and handling. Click?HERE?to get the book shipped to you.
I next challenge you to do some research on my annual event — Rise & Record. When I say research, I do not mean to just visit the website, scroll down, see the ticket price, and move on. Research as in watching the video from last year’s event, as in asking yourself, “What could come from me investing and attending this event?” or even as in reaching out to my team for a one-on-one call to discuss personally what this event can do for you. We cap Rise & Record at one hundred and fifty attendees because we want it to be intimate. We want the room to be filled with like-minded individuals. We want each and every person to walk away with a mass amount of value, growth, and ideas. I live for Rise & Record — it is the one thing that gets me out of bed every day. I am committed. Now, it falls to you. If you want to do more research click?HERE. If you want to discuss one-on-one about the event, reach out to me and we will get something set up.
At the end of the day, all I want for you is to DO something — action must be taken to achieve success. What are you going to do, or where are you going to invest, to start on the road to success?