Why Do We Push?
Nathan Peterson
Singer-songwriter, speaker, author, husband, father, and human ~ passionate about the ways that breathing, music, and togetherness can lead us to healing, creativity, and rest.
We push because we don't believe.
We don't believe that there is a current outside of our own movement.
Or that, if there is a current, it is not leading somewhere good for us.
This is such a shame. Not because we don't "believe in God" or in a higher, benevolent power... it's a shame because the rest we so desperately need and want is right in front of us, available to us—a gift—but we can't receive it.
It's a shame because we never get to experience the freedom that comes with trust.
Why do we push?
We push because we don't trust.
But, eventually we all run out of steam.
Distrust is not a sustainable fuel. And no one can push forever.
We all need to rest life's current—to feel the freedom and hope that flows when we no longer feel we have to push.
I know as well as anyone that "rest" is an easier word to say than a thing to truly do.
I know as well as anyone that trust can feel like jumping off a cliff.
But how many years or decades must we repeatedly experience the way things seem to always turn out fine before we finally stop trying to change the way things turn out, and start changing our inner-world instead—from closed, driven and controlled to rest and trust?
The life we want is available today. Our work is to stay open and trust the process.