Why do we procrastinate? And how on Earth can we get things done in-spite of it?
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Why do we procrastinate? And how on Earth can we get things done in-spite of it?

Everyone sets new year resolutions and goals, but only a tiny fraction is able to turn their good intention into action. We all procrastinate, and deep inside we know that procrastination is not an accident but a choice we make everyday.

Unfortunately, trying to avoid the sweet pleasures of immediate gratification compared to the difficulty in finishing a task (which you probably never wanted to do in the first place) is easier said than done.

Here Are 3 Reasons Why We Procrastinate (From A Chronic Procrastinator)

3 Reasons why we procrastinate

1. Overthinking:

Thinking too much can be a bad thing. As a chronic over thinker, I would know.

I’m the type of person that will think so hard about the pros and cons of doing something, and all the ways it could go wrong that I end up not taking any step at all. For some others, it could simply be a fear of failing or self doubt – It’s honestly all the same.

So regardless of whatever reasons you may have, when you find yourself thinking so hard about why some idea wouldn’t work before even trying,?remind yourself always to focus on the solution and not the problem. This way you are encouraged to act first and worry later.

The key is to take that first step

Start doing something. Don’t hold back or hesitate, just take a deep breath and jump right into action. Any action is better than no action.

2. Denial & Lack of Desire:

This is avoidance of a situation or task because we don’t like it or because we’re afraid of facing it. We refuse to face the present reality and seek ways to escape our anxiety, fears and frustrations of the situation.

To defeat this, you need to ask yourself; “Why am I avoiding doing this?” “Why do I hate this task?”?Understanding your feelings towards the task or situation is the key to resolving this.?It may require you to change tactics (approach the situation in a different way, step away for a bit) or even to drop it all together if you have to (and can afford to). After all, having to continually force yourself to do something you hate will never be beneficial on the long run.

It’s not an understatement to say you have to find some meaning in what you do to be successful in it. Because that is the only thing that’ll keep you fighting when the going gets tough as we know it often does. Only the love of what you’re doing can get you through those times and ultimately to success.

3. Stress:

Procrastination is often used as a coping mechanism for when we feel stressed in our daily lives. When we feel so much pressure from life (relationships, work, our need to succeed, expectations from others), we tend to put off certain responsibilities more easily.

However this can only act as a short term measure at best, as watching your to do list pile up will result in more stress, which in turn leads to a further delay in launching those tasks and then you find yourself caught in the vicious circle of procrastination!

The way to resolve this is;?

  1. Learn to set attainable goals, and to break them up into smaller tasks whose results can be determined immediately.
  2. Create a good reward system for yourself that can encourage and motivate you to stay on the task.

So, are you suffering from a failure to launch your goals due to procrastination??How do you feel about them, and the tasks you need to accomplish?

Perhaps you’re procrastinating because you’re afraid of defeat or because you’re under some external pressure?

What is holding you back from achieving those goals?

Take some time to answer these questions to find out why you’re stuck in a circle of procrastination and propel yourself into taking action right now.

Remember that having a passion for what you do is key for success. As Dale Carnegie says;

People rarely succeed unless they have fun in what they are doing.

This appeared first in medium


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