Why Do We Need Meal Planning ?
Everyone that has cooked or even stepped in the Kitchen before would be someone who has most likely heard about the word “MEAL PLANNING”?
And the synonyms that may come to mind to many people are along the lines of “Boring, Unnecessary or even a Hassle”?
But did you know that 61% of the Food waste in India comes from Indian Households. Looking more closely, in India, the household food waste estimate is 50 kg per capita per year!?
Let’s see how Sustainable MEAL PLANNING helps resolve the issue….
1. It saves you money
It certainly helps save money on food by keeping you from buying unnecessary groceries, and even more importantly, you are not wasting any leftover ingredients or veggies.?
This Alone will save around 10-15% of your usual allotted food budget.?
2. It Reduces food wastage
When you make a plan that uses the food that’s already in the freezer, fridge, and pantry, that means fewer items on the shopping list and less food being purchased or wasted.?
It has been observed that Households that are conscious of their Food Wastage end up only throwing out around 5 Kg of food made for consumption.?
3. It Saves you Time?
Everyday, the process of looking through the Refrigerator to see what you can whip up and cook for everyone makes the whole process very time consuming.?
What would have taken around 1-1.5 hrs of planning, prepping and cooking will now only take at max of 30 Minutes of your Time. And as you know, time is Money.?
4. Gives you more freedom in your schedule
Planning your menu ahead of time gives you the chance to glance at what’s on the calendar and write in meals that will fit the time and energy you’ll have for cooking each day.?
5. It keeps you away from fast food or take-out?
As tempting as it is to grab dinner out, your meal plan calls you back home empty-handed. I can’t count how many times I’ve begged myself to just order a pizza (or throw a frozen one in the oven), only to see my demanding menu hanging on the side of the fridge.? Basically, it helps keep your wallet (and your waistline) out of trouble.?
6. It makes you Healthier
Writing out a menu gives you the chance to plan some sort of veggies into your meals. It also gives you the opportunity to plan for healthier proteins, fewer carbs, more natural ingredients, or whatever else may be important to you. If it’s on the plan, you’re much more likely to actually incorporate those healthy choices into your life.
In Conclusion, Meal Planning is a trend that is on the rise for the better. To take part we can start with basic menu planning and also subscribe to certain Food Planning Apps or sites.?
Tamatarr follows the principle of ZERO WASTAGE. As per data even with Careful Meal Planning Households find it difficult to reduce their food wastage completely and still produce up to 10kg of food waste per year. But with exactly measured ingredients, the process becomes many times more efficient.