Whether we become resolute about changing something at the New Year or through out the year why do we give up?  Why is that sometimes we can make it a day, a week, a month or even a year, but we seem to fall back to pre-resolute time?

The answer is belief and state.

Let’s take a look at…




1.    an acceptance that a statement is true or that something exists.

"his belief in the value of hard work"

2.    trust, faith, or confidence in someone or something.

"I've still got belief in myself"

Let’s say you made a resolution to eliminate sugar from your diet. When you’re confronted with a taste treat your unconscious mind makes an assessment and does an evaluation of whether you believe if you will make it for the long wrong. If that answer pops up as no, then you will reach for that sweat treat. You will say things like…

“I’ll start tomorrow.”

“A little bit won’t hurt.”

The idea is do you really believe in yourself? Do you believe you will make it the long haul? The hard part is most of this programming is out of your conscious awareness and is a pattern. 

The other thing is when we decide we are in a certain mental state. We are in a powerful state. Then when we are faced with our first bout of will power, we seldom are in the same state as we made the resolutions. 

NLP States relate to our internal emotional condition. In NLP we believe that the state determines our results, and so we are careful to be in states of excellence. In NLP, our Internal Representations, plus our State, and our physiology results in our Behavior.

The concept of NLP states refers to our mental and physical processes we experience at any moment. Our state depends on our interaction with the external environment, how well our bodies are functioning and our thinking (including emotions).

States act as a kind of filter on our interpretations of our experiences. If we are tired and hungry, we are likely to be less tolerant of challenges. These interpretations then affect behavior and choices. If we are exhausted, we may choose sleeping in over a networking breakfast.

How do you put this together?

Who is in charge of your state?

You are!

By focusing on controlling your state and figuring out for yourself what thoughts, environments, food, exercise, etc. puts you in powerful states and training yourself to be able to access those states on a moments notice. My whole quest of my life is how do I control my state every second so I can always be in a powerful state.

The more you can access powerful states, the better decisions you make and the stronger beliefs you will create about your abilities. Thus, you will create more mental toughness and will power.

To go back to beliefs for a moment, there are also many techniques to change your beliefs unconsciously. Most are hard to do consciously. That’s why most resolutions are hard when the run contrary to your beliefs. I am not discounting the strategy of accessing powerful states. I’m outlining why beliefs are a harder strategy to change. You can use meditation, hypnosis, or Timeline Therapy.

From experience I know that when I control and access my powerful states that I make better decisions and start believing more in my abilities to carry out resolutions. 

If you manage people you are responsible for their state daily. In an executive meeting we were discussing working from home. I was against it why? Because I believe people and more specifically employees aren’t great at managing their when they are and when they aren’t in powerful states.

For instance, someone may argue with their spouse, their kid may tinkle on the way to school, which the employee was already in a rush to get them there and make it back for a zoom call. What happens? They are angry and now their work suffers.  

On the other hand, the office provides an environment shift. You should start with a division meeting where you discuss great ideas such as motivation, mind control, personal money concepts, etc. Now your employee has better beliefs about why they’re working, and you can make sure they’re in a powerful state!





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