Why Do We Feel Disconnected
I sat on a park bench with Biggens, my french bulldog, yesterday afternoon and we watched the people walk by. I was actually surprised that the vast majority had ear buds in as they walked. I don't mean just the Gen Zs, or even millennials. I am talking about the full spectrum of generations (with the exception of the Gen Alphas). Trust me. I was more than impressed to see the 80-somethings walking around with the white bar hanging out of their wrinkly ears.
Given we were situated near the water and away from the buzz of rush hour traffic, I was perplexed. Don't people just want to take in their surroundings; the chatter of kids, the whir of e-bikes and scooters, and the general sound of fresh air. Is this what it has come down to?
Does technology just create easy ways for us to isolate? I have seen it in airports for a while, where people walk with their neck in a permanent downward crook, way too preoccupied with whatever the hell is on their small screens. Does it no longer matter to take in our environment and just .. be present. You don't have to be a disciple of Eckhart Tolle to figure it out.
A recent study by the US Surgeon General says the effect of social isolation and its impact on mortality is the equivalent of smoking 15 cigarettes a day. Isolation correlates to higher risk of heart disease, stroke, anxiety, depression etc etc..
I'm not here trying to spew stats, but just thinking out loud as to what we have become.
It's great to be able to be by yourself (or with your favourite furry creature) but c'mon, go analog once in a while and just BE PRESENT.