Why do we dream? 5 signs of dreams

Why do we dream? 5 signs of dreams

What are dreams?

Dreams are a string of images, thoughts, stories, videos, and a collection of thoughts that our mind subconsciously creates while we sleep. There can be various types of dreams such as frightening, disturbing, emotional, fun, romantic, etc.

Why are dreams important?

Dreams are an important part of a person’s life. It is seldom said that people live life to achieve their dreams, but they have greater importance and meaning. They are important for a person’s emotional and mental health and well-being.?

  • It helps us to sleep peacefully even if there?are disturbances and noise around us
  • When we are away we have a lot of problems but when we sleep we decide to solve problems and provide solutions via them.

The history behind dreams, is it a modern thing?

If we roll back to the 3rd millennium BC we can find Mesopotamian people recording a dreamlike phenomenon on some waxed labels.

Over 100 years later the Egyptian people recorded the most common dreams, their significance, and their meanings in a book. So clearly, they consolidate an important part in our lives for a long time.

Why do we dream?

Do they are still not any solid definite proof to support the phenomenon but lots of theories have cropped up to support this idea, some of them are:

  1. The Freudian theory (Dreams as interpretation)

In the early 18th century, An Austrian neurologist, Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis, wrote a book called “interpretation of dreams“, in which he said, dreams are nothing but a series of daily life pictures that we see commonly. To quote his words he said, “The interpretation of dreams is the royal road to a knowledge of the unconscious activities of the mind.” For him, every Little dream, senseless or not, meaningful or not, dangerous or not, has definitely a symbolic meaning.

According to him, if we collect the items of our dreams and analyze them, we can get the desired connotative and denotative meaning of it.

For example, if we see elements like fear and insecurity, there might be a chance that the person is suffering from low self-esteem and anxiety.

2. Reverse learning theory (Dream to unlearn things)

In 1983, A scientist created and Mitchison devised a model of reverse learning. According to the model, we dream in order to forget and this involves a process of ‘reverse learning’ or ‘unlearning’.

3. Continual activation theory (dream to work)

This theory was proposed by John Allan Hobson and Robert McCarley, Harvard University Psychiatrists in December 1977. It suggests that dreams for brains to constantly work and to create and collect memories which are long term. This happens so that our brain functions properly. When we are asleep,? the brain generates data from our thoughts and feelings in the form of the experience of our dreams.

?For eg: if a person dreams of being lost in the large, barren desert, it can be associated with a lack of water or thirst.

4. Primitive instinct rehearsal theory (dream to rehearse)

If we seldom think about that, why do we have such frightening dreams?

Prof. Antti Revonsuno introduced the Primitive Instinct Rehearsal Theory in the year 2000. It provides an opportunity to refine our reflexes and rehearse for the situations which put us in a situation of danger.

For eg: if we dream of fighting or any combat, then the brain was training ourselves in order to perform if we encounter any combat-related incident.

5. Problem-solving theory (Dream to solve problems)

If you wonder, why does your brain make so many illogical scenarios in your dreams? Well you can find an answer to your question below, so keep reading

“The best solution to a problem is to sleep on it”

Dierdre Barett, an American author, and psychologist has evolved a problem-solving theory. She was a research scholar who wrote on psychology, imagery, hypnosis, and dreams. The theory suggests that dreams are just a way for the brain to solve real-life complex problems by making different scenarios and trying to solve them.? It is simply a way that the brain is figuring out problems for you with the help of your dreams.?

6. Action synthesis model (Dreams as Signals)

According to some researchers, dreams are a sort of expression to ourselves to communicate to our body that something is going on.

According to the 2010 report, dreams occur as it is a signal that something is going to happen the same way in real life as we saw in the dream. This is a subconscious effect of a body to foresee the events that are going to happen in the future.

5 most common signs of dreams:

Every dream has a different context for different people. For example, the same dream can be conceptualized into different outcomes for two different people.

However, some dreams and some dream symbols are universal. theorists say that some symbols seen in the dream have the same meaning for all the contexts. The symbols can help find the hidden meaning behind the different dreams.

If we discuss our dreams in a friend circle or families we find that some dreams are very common to have or some symbols keep on recurring in every person’s dream. Let us and analyze, what these symbols for dreams denote:

  1. Falling from a higher surface:

Research says that this is one of the most common dreams, but it doesn’t signify that you fall and will die. But it rather signifies that something in a person’s life is going wrong or the person is having no growth. It is a red signal that something is not going in the right direction. It also denotes anxiety lack of composition and danger

2. Chased by someone:

If we dream of getting chased by someone who is running too fast to get rid of something, this signifies that in real life we are avoiding or running from some responsibility or any confrontation and rather not run but face the problem.

3. Flying:

If you dream of flying high in the sky then it signifies that in your real life you need encouragement and should let go of your current shackles and pursue your dreams. It represents positiveness, freshness, and new starts.

4. Controlling an out of control vehicle:

This symbolizes that a person should end their bad habit which can have dangerous and long-term effects on them.

5. Water:

If water comes in anybody’s dream, it can be associated with risk-taking, fluidity, and ambition. It can signify that one should take a step closer to the bigger goals one has to achieve. It also represents the depths of life and relationships.


Dreams help you to connect to the greater part of the world and different dimensions. If we try to comprehend any dream, one must understand that the central character of your dream will only be you, all the supplementary characters will be the different signs helping you to guide your way. Thanks for Reading.



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